[PS3] Modnation Racers

It's fast enough, but has a steep learning curve to become intuitive. A mouse interface would be far more intuitive and not have new creators fumbling with controls wondering how to do something.

I guess I'm a skeptic, but I don't necessarily agree. I mean, Photoshop is available with primitive shapes and you don't see people going nuts creating stuff with that on a whim. I think it's just the tools in general that require learning, the input method really has little to do with it.

Maybe that's just me though.
I guess I'm a skeptic, but I don't necessarily agree. I mean, Photoshop is available with primitive shapes and you don't see people going nuts creating stuff with that on a whim.
That's because they don't want to! I don'tknow anyone who wants to create random art with primitive shapes. Whereas in MNR, people are wanting to create a game experience or character. The problem with MNR's interface is when people do want to create something, they find themselves wrestling with the UI, which will either see them persevere and become proficient, or more likely throw in the towel. With a more naturalised mouse interface, the only limit will be the user's command of the toolset, and not their ability to remember 63 different button combinations.

Anyone got a list of weapons?
There are four. You run over a crate and get a random weapon at level one. Hit another crate and it powers up to level 2, and third crate gets you to power 3. You can turn any weapon into a drop-behind mine. The weapons are, off the top of my head and I only played it a bit, Rockets (progress to homing missiles and missile swarm), Mines (I think they just progress to more). Blue swirly thing, and turbo boost. Tier three turbo boost becomes a warp tunnel, jumping you forwards in the track, but it also remains open a little while that other racers can follow in behind you.

Okay, that wasn't much use. I'm sure IGN or somesuch offers a proper breakdown!

Can you create new weapons?
Can you modify how weapons are?
You can include.exlude them. I don't know if that's possible per weapon or justa global on/off.
Any car mods (speed, turning abilities, acceleration, spin out time, etc)?
Nope. It's all cosmetic, which is a bit of a shortcoming. Every kart plays exactly the same way.
Do different karts of players have different skills?
Can you hop?
Powerslide begins with a hop I think, but I don't know if you can hop over obstacles at all. At this point I'd say probably no.
Can you add collectables, like coins, in your mods to increase speed?
I don't think so. You get boost/shield energy from powersliding and hang-time. I don't think there are any collectables.
Anything special about the kart racing? (Looked like a vanilla kart game in terms of racing from videos I have seen).
It's vanilla racing, without so much as a toffee swirl or a wafer. The mechanic felt good, and the powerslide is very controllable and satisfying, but the gameplay mechanic, at least in the demo, was rather shallow. However there are triggerable events on track (not available in the demo) so you could arrange some better interactivity, but I'm not sure to what extent.
I have seen others on other forums say rubber banding is bad and the AI is very cheap on later chapters. Also mixed feedback on if this is a tight skilled racer or a loose, sliding racer. It looks fast which can obscure the driving model by viewing, especially if it has strong rubberband or cheat for AI.
The demo on Hard had the typical 'enemy blasts you with powerful weapons and whizzes by' feature, but I think that's expected for this genre and is the main longevity contributor to the solo campaign, where you have to play a track lots of times before you get your lucky win. Otherwise it'd be over in 2 hours!

FTR, I won't be getting it. It didn't click with my buddies. I suppose part of that problem is one is a karting noob while I'm pretty competant after lots of PS1 days karting. If you can't cope with powersliding, you'll always be pulling up the rear meaning zero competition. Plus he can only race in-car view.
In the demo tapping x is jumping. Holding x is sliding. That's probably why Shifty thought it's at the beginning of a drift, but if you keep holding x you won't jump.

As for the weapons, there are the basic collectable weapons, but there are also a bunch of other stuff:

drifting rewards you with points which can be used for a variety of strategic options. These points can be used to boost the car, create a shield or even sideswipe other players off of the road. To top that off, you can even use the points to interact with obstacles on the track. Several of the developer-created tracks and any user-created tracks which support it include interactive objects that once hit can create traps for unsuspecting racers or benefits for you. For example, when driving toward a ramp you can choose to shoot an interactive object which drops boulders or anything else you can think of behind you and take out opponents. Speaking of ramps, you can also drive off ramps and perform spins midair to accumulate points in a similar fashion to drifting, so there’s more than one way to earn these incredibly vital points.

But probably someone with the actual game can answer this better.
I believe you also can adjust the handling of your car. I imagine that in online racing each player will have their own car tuned to their liking, maybe in splitscreen too.

Weapons can't be modded in the traditional sense, but there's a powerup system, you can either use a weapon or collect further pickups to power it up. Weapons also behave differently if you toss them behind you.

You also can burn your boost energy (which you get from tricks) to create a shield to protect yourself from blue shell-a-likes, or burn a little to ram your opponents' cars when you're next to them.

All of the cosmetic stuff is entirely cosmetic, though.
I don't think so. You get boost/shield energy from powersliding and hang-time. I don't think there are any collectables.

MNR has collectibles. It's called "item tokens". You can buy stuff with MNR dollars or ballot using the collected tokens. Every in-game circuit has 5 hidden tokens.

Joshua said:
I have seen others on other forums say rubber banding is bad and the AI is very cheap on later chapters. Also mixed feedback on if this is a tight skilled racer or a loose, sliding racer. It looks fast which can obscure the driving model by viewing, especially if it has strong rubberband or cheat for AI.

The demo on Hard had the typical 'enemy blasts you with powerful weapons and whizzes by' feature, but I think that's expected for this genre and is the main longevity contributor to the solo campaign, where you have to play a track lots of times before you get your lucky win. Otherwise it'd be over in 2 hours!

Rubber banding helps us noobs. I don't think it matters much unless you're very far ahead of the AI drivers. The AI is very competitive, so the top 5 AI drivers are usually right behind our tails, or ahead of us. But yes, they are nasty (even between themselves) near the finishing pole. You should expect an incoming missile near the pole.

IMHO, it requires skills because there are a few things you can pull off once you're familiar with the system. Right now, we are getting used to the speed, map and the last attack near the finishing line. We will try more tricks later. You cannot win by saving up boost and jetting your way to the finishing line at the last minute. You will get attacked.

However, just because they do this doesn't mean the AI is cheap. It's different, and aggressive against you and other AI drivers.

Some of the maps are very fun because you can jump very very far and high like the video Arwin posted. It reminds me of MotorStorm. ^_^

Grr... that's why I don't think betas and demoes are good ideas sometimes, they only give people a limited view of the game, and may be when the game is incomplete, or when the story/game hasn't built up momentum.
Joshua said:
Do different karts of players have different skills?

I believe you also can adjust the handling of your car. I imagine that in online racing each player will have their own car tuned to their liking, maybe in splitscreen too.

Just found out that if you press R1 in the ModSpot, you can customize your driving style (top speed, drift, handling and acceleration according to the *gasp* game manual). But I think it is only configurable by the host for split screen. Not sure if individual drivers can set their own in an online game. Have not played with friends yet.

In the demo tapping x is jumping. Holding x is sliding. That's probably why Shifty thought it's at the beginning of a drift, but if you keep holding x you won't jump.

Yes, confirmed that double tapping X is "hop". :)

All of my Creations! Some of my most proud creations:




(Don't worry B3D, your car is coming soon too)


That Insomniac Games kart was mine too, glad to see someone over at GAF was giving it some love!
Hah ! I was wondering who made the Insomniac + EA partnership car. :)
Should have guessed it's you !

Also, another tip for ModNation Racer. Holding [] should fire the weapon behind you, while tapping [] fire it forward.
United Front, please make the SackBoy character available on the PS Store. I gave the scratch code to my son, but he peeled the protective layer away, which of course tore up the code too. :(
Well, if you want you can go with the next best thing I suppose...a Beyond3D mod?


Unfortunately he's covering up his "Print Screen" button on his chest, lol.
Gamasutra has an article on Modnation's user generated content and tools:

But the team's hardly in a rush to move onto the next project, preferring instead to stay focused on supporting and nurturing ModNation Racers' community. "We've been working on some DLC for a couple of months; we've been working on some patches to improve load times," he explains. "We're still fully dedicated, and Sony's allowing us to continue to support the community."

This isn't just on the content side, but includes tournament events, direct-to-user support and instructions, mini tutorials, feedback gathering and more. "It's important to be well-integrated with the community," he says. "That's really our focus right now, which is again very cool and very different from what we're used to."


Well, if you want you can go with the next best thing I suppose...a Beyond3D mod?


Unfortunately he's covering up his "Print Screen" button on his chest, lol.

Where is the B3D car !?

You need special eyes for him because B3D folks can nitpick an image to death. :devilish:
So I guess there isn't much of a community here on B3D playing this huh? :( For shame!

Was toying with the editor and used pretty much all gradients exlcusively and made a pretty nice Grim (Chimera) from Resistance 2:


I wanted to touch it up, but I capped out the sticker limit :( I'm sure I could clean things up, but it's just not worth it after all the time, I'm happy enough with it, lol.
Just found out that if you press R1 in the ModSpot, you can customize your driving style (top speed, drift, handling and acceleration according to the *gasp* game manual). But I think it is only configurable by the host for split screen. Not sure if individual drivers can set their own in an online game. Have not played with friends yet.

Saw my son play the game this morning. The roster shows everyone with different driving style in the same match. It seems that non-hosts can customize their style individually also.

EDIT: Yap, confirmed. Tuned our acceleration down because it was too fast for us to control properly.

Firstly, we’ve added all the United Front Games tracks to the XP race queue. In addition, we have created seven new XP Race Series, which brings the total to 14.

New XP Race Series:

Series 8:
Dire Cliffs
Rumble Jungle
Crazy Crater
Citadel Heights

Series 9:
Lost Temple
Rumble Island
Launchers Rush

Series 10:
Drift Paradise
Rickety Bridge
Craggy Hills
Market Run
Crazy Crater

Series 11:
Miners Rift
Island Dash
Flaming Jumps

Series 12:
Switchback Valley
Launchers Rush
Drift Paradise

Series 13:
Alpine Drop
Wild Run
Market Run
Crazy Crater

Series 14:
Miners Rift
Craggy Hills
Lost Temple
From the US Blog:

Patch Info
I know everybody wants to know more about the patch that’s in development. We appreciate your patience as UFG places the final touches on it. There’s been a lot of community feedback and I think UFG has done a good job trying to include a lot of the improvements you’ve asked for. One of the improvements is the addition of a “casual” career difficulty that has less “aggressive” computer-controlled racers. I was able to spend some time last week playing the new build. Let me just say that I had a blast playing through the casual career difficulty and I think those that have been asking for this will be very pleased when you can get your hands on it!
Looking forward to sharing more ModNation Racers news next week!
Yeah, *if* the difficulty is fixed together with the load time, this would be one of the most polished games I have played on PS3. My 5 year old managed to advance 5 tracks on his own by some luck and hardcore grinding. When I came home the other day, he fired up the game to show me his "achievements" over about a week (Nodding his head while saying, "Daddy, it's difficult. Can you help me ?"). :D

Never heard of United Front before, but the scope of Modnation Racer is impressive (Rock solid editors, open level AI, fun gameplay, etc.).