I remember some site had a screenshot comparison of Haze and Crysis in similar settings and locations, and a lot of the commentors were convinced that Haze was pretty close to Crysis, and even exceded it in places. Yet we all knew better when we got to witness it for ourselves.
I feel GoW3 looks better than HS if only for its fluidity. HS had some impressive visuals, but it was a slideshow. It's a terrible shame that a character that moves so fast with such attention to animation is only drawn at slideshow pacing. Maybe if there was motion blurring, it would have been more aesthetically pleasing, but it didn't even have that to save it.
this screenshot from GoW3 to
this one from HS, I don't see a great difference in detail, but Nariko's in the speed stance there, so you know in motion, you wouldn't see any of the details on her anyway. One thing that really impressed me about the GoW3 trailer was how they wanted you to see the little details. The high contrast (which some people take issue with) makes everything stand out sharply in motion, so you can make out those pores in Kratos' skin or the musculature of the undead warriors, even in motion.
Now, I expect some people will say GoW3 should not be compared to HS, but the similarities are undeniable, and GoW3's producers have made references to Kratos' weapon-switching as being similar to stance changes, HS' primary game mechanic.
And on a final note, just look at
this pic and try to remain unimpressed. Kratos' shoulder armor has similar shader characteristics and polygonal detail as some of the artifacts in Drake's Fortune, and I thought those looked amazing on the screen, all by themselves with just a 2D HUD behind them.