PS3 Firmware 3.0

Yeah thats it. My PS3 serves its gaming purposes nicely and I am satisfied as much as my 360 in terms of games if not more. Thats the only thing missing. What else does it offer extra? Besides partying and forcing me to pay for online gaming?
You had just described some of the basic tenants of social gaming and, frankly, the main reason I almost always buy 360 games instead of PS3 games when given the choice. That's why I kind of scoff at the "yeah, that's it" attitude towards it. It should be fundamental.

I don't know what they've spent three years worth of a development time on the PS3 firmware but I get more than a little upset when I see things like the new Friends list, the new font choices, the new infobar (and even the old infobar). Why is any development resource being put on that kind of stuff when the basics need work? Who is managing their priorities? They should be fired.
I will cry if i have to go through Home in order to have proper gamelaunching.

I dont want to have anything to do with Home. Home takes times booting up, and generally just makes you waste a lot of time in order to do the same stuff, like play arcade games. Id rather just select the game i want to play on the menu, and play it instantly, than booting up home and running to the appropriate space then launch the game.

You're not listening. He means use Home's infrastructure (xml configuration files) to boot up games from the XMB when you're together in a chatroom. Patsu's not suggesting that you have to go into Home first. He's suggesting that the party chat can access the same kind of game launching functionality as we find in Home.
I have to say, that all updates ive have gotten from Sony so far is a huge dissapointment.
Some people just can't be satisfied. If it stays the same, some people will be disappointed. If it changes, some people will be disappointed. If it's all removed, some of those same people will be disappointed.

Then, some people just want the look of other console's interface. Anything less than that will be a disappointment to them. Of course, I believe, none of those people can add anything that can be reasonably used.

I guess overblown cosmetic complaints means nothing is really broken. :smile:
The slim comes packed-in with a Blu-Ray disc introducing the system, PSN, etc., from what I've read.

I haven't heard any comments about how good the disc is or what's on it, though.

Nope, got one today and there was no disc whatsoever in the packaging.
I see. They may have replaced the Blu-ray introduction disc with the What's New icon and the promo icons in XMB.

3.0 also added more flexible user folder creation. Anyone tried that yet ?
All I know is that I like my new animated Sackboy theme very much. @Arwin: Where did you get the Afrika theme and how much did it cost? After all 3 bucks for a theme, animated or not, is kind of a shameless rip-off.
I got it for free from the Japan Store. It's at no.1 in the download list, so very easy to get.
You had just described some of the basic tenants of social gaming and, frankly, the main reason I almost always buy 360 games instead of PS3 games when given the choice. That's why I kind of scoff at the "yeah, that's it" attitude towards it. It should be fundamental.

I don't know what they've spent three years worth of a development time on the PS3 firmware but I get more than a little upset when I see things like the new Friends list, the new font choices, the new infobar (and even the old infobar). Why is any development resource being put on that kind of stuff when the basics need work? Who is managing their priorities? They should be fired.

It depends on the person.

I welcomed all improvements on the PS3. And quite frankly I always found the XMB more functional and easier to use than that of the 360's. The only thing missing is that party function. I prefer the XMB more than the 360's NXE for everything else it offers.

Yeah the font sizes and the gray square behind each friend's ID may not be the best idea, I want the original fonts back but even so they are still better than the 360's overdone menus and larger fonts. Which begs the question what was MS thinking as well. The 360's menus like a playground with information overload. Still the new XMB responds faster now when trying to access my friend's details and other functions.

The new infobar didnt annoy me.
This update is crap!

When I had just done the update and the PS3 rebooted, the XMB acted like it had a very low frame rate (but the background seemed fine).

I rebooted and it was back to normal.

But this morning when I tried to turn it on the PS3 outputed a black screen and did nothing! So I rebooted it and then the slow XMB was back! But after an other reboot it was back to normal, but still... WTF?.

But other than that I have no huge problems other than that ugly thing that takes over the background and the PStore icon under games (the one under videos does not show up).

Here's another idea that could work very well. Have icons for games and movies present listed in the thumbnails we know and love, but linking to the PSN store. This way you could transparently add a few choices in the appropriate XMB categories. Entering the game section should show a few games, highlighted to show they are store purchases and not available to play on your machine yet, in the game list, with your games underneath (perhaps the top two, BRD and most recent download, are kept as owned titles for convenience). Likewise when going into Movies for something to watch, a few offered titles with thumbnail trailers may be enough to catch an impulse buy. "Oh, they've added such-and-such at the Store. Wanna watch it?" without having to go looking and without intruding on the look and feel of XMB.

That would be horrible!

I don't want my monthly downloads (a not very large amount in Australia) being eaten away by game and movie trallers that mix in with my games and videos!

It would be just the same as someone forcing you to put empty game and DVD cases on your shelves (with a note inside them trying to get you to buy them) next to the games and DVDs you own and charging you shipping for said empty cases!
What TV icon ? I only saw the Playstation Store icon under the video category.

A Tv icon appeared randomly between my Video and Game icon. I dont know how it appeared.

It does nothing though. Is it related to play TV or something??

Oh wait! It is probably related to Bravia interconnectivity. The strange thing is I dont have it connected to a bravia. So that might not be it

edit: that icon appeared and stayed. Probably it was there since the beginning after I updated the firmware. I might not have noticed.
TV icon is for stuff like iPlayer. Maybe your country is getting something like that, or maybe you're in the UK and the iPlayer will appear a little later (takes some time sometimes)