Well, as I was pointing out in our little Home chat, and then was promptly demonstrated, when you are talking with a group of people text chat can be a lifesaver and a lot more efficient than talking over voice comm. You can all talk 'at once' and still read almost anything after all, at least a lot more than you could ever manage with voice.
Take tonight - we were up to 9 people in the Beyond3D chat room (awesome) and that went great. Then we decided to try Home, so we all went to my summer house in Home (where not only did I have guests for the first time, but also managed now to test cross-region visiting, which worked great I have to say). I mentioned that I often prefer typing even in Home because when you use voice chat and typing together, or when you are with a lot of people, it gets very hard to track whose saying what, you can't hear each other properly when all people talk at once, etc. - and just ten seconds later four people voice-chatted at once and I couldn't understand a single one of them.
Voice chat is very good for a few people, but text chat still has its uses when it becomes more than a few, or when you can't see each other to know when someone is going to talk, etc.
Nothing beats voice chat in a multi-player squad based game though, that's for sure!
Nice side result of the chat-room and the Home get together is that a few more of us are now on each other's friends list.
I took a few shots from our get-together in Home as well (I'll also link them in the Home thread). Home definitely needs a little bit more to do, but the basics work pretty well. Now if we can launch a lot of different games from Home and/or find some games to play together in the summer house (would be great if I could buy a pool table or two, for instance, a few arcade cabinets that keep an online score) and get some music going, and (especially requested by xbd

) a picture frame option or something similar, and we've got something pretty useful in Home.
(Home can basically do 60 player voice chat, though I don't know how that would work out in practice. Certainly, everyone within range - it's proximity based, as we reaffirmed tonight when someone went out to the balcony and couldn't hear us - can hear when other people talk, so it works decent now)