I think text chat has some uses, but I'm not sure what's taking them so long to roll out private chat and group chat across different games. Releasing text chat while people are waiting on those features seems misguided.
There are definitely different services from the different chat methods. Something like a 16 way chat wouldn't work so well for voice comms, and the existing system is good. As I found with the chat room, the limited sized lines is due to the text appearing in-game as a notification, so you can keep listening in to large parties without your game being drowned out by chatter. The large number of steps to post something and return to your game is too awkward though. At the moment chat seems more a case of talking between doing things, like Home without the interface. You can't use it to communicate in game effectively, such as discussing tactics in Booty who's voice-chat doesn't exist. I'd like to see the PS button drop you straight into the open chatroom from the game and then back out.The best thing about the text chat system is the room concept. It pulls people together. A voice messaging system does not do that. It can be layered on top of the room system though.
People who don't see the need for text communications probably have a straightforward need (just quick party comms).
I've just thought though, there's an interesting exploit here for multiplayer games with a spectator mode. In KZ2, one member could sit in a chatroom viewing the opposition and reporting on movements. That's somewhere you wouldn't want ease of chat within a game. You'd need a way to block people within a chatroom from playing spectator mode on a game other chatroom members are in.
I think text chat has some uses, but I'm not sure what's taking them so long to roll out private chat and group chat across different games. Releasing text chat while people are waiting on those features seems misguided.
I've just thought though, there's an interesting exploit here for multiplayer games with a spectator mode. In KZ2, one member could sit in a chatroom viewing the opposition and reporting on movements. That's somewhere you wouldn't want ease of chat within a game. You'd need a way to block people within a chatroom from playing spectator mode on a game other chatroom members are in.
But if you really want to do that, you can anyway. You can connect to a vent server and play KZ2. Or stay connected in IRC.
The usefulness of private and group chat far outweighs any of the negatives.
I like text chat better, but I don't think this new thing is the second coming either. It's just freaking text chat, and it's sorta weird for Sony to tout it as a big deal. That's probably what the PA strip was about -- this is essentially IRC, and IRC is 20 years old.
Was Sony touting it as a big deal? I don't think so but I've only seen the Sony Playstation Blog video. They eemed about enthusiastic towards it as any of the other features they've rolled out.
Was Sony touting it as a big deal? I don't think so but I've only seen the Sony Playstation Blog video. They eemed about enthusiastic towards it as any of the other features they've rolled out.