[PS3] Eight Days *cancelled*

How do we know it's realtime?
The visuals are consistent with a WIP game engine. I can't see why someone would go to the bother of creating a rough looking mockup to showcase animations in a non-existent WIP game. Animation tests are performed economically in barren test-cases, then dropped into the game. The 3 step cover where the character drops to a lower animation position each time is evidently a test-case, and the odds against this strike me as very slim.
The visuals are consistent with a WIP game engine. I can't see why someone would go to the bother of creating a rough looking mockup to showcase animations in a non-existent WIP game. Animation tests are performed economically in barren test-cases, then dropped into the game. The 3 step cover where the character drops to a lower animation position each time is evidently a test-case, and the odds against this strike me as very slim.

Well all I'm saying is that we have no proof it's anyone actually playing the game. I can agree that the graphics look achievable, but that perhaps it's just animations uploaded into some characters - that actually isn't part of a playable game. Ie. It's just all animation tests.
I imagine the tests are interactive. Regardless, it's still not worth talking about. Some artists made some nice mo-cap animations for a game. Doesn't tell us much ;)
More video from the canceled game Eight Days.


Here is a screenshot showing the amount of RAM being used from XDR and GDDR.

Seeing this makes me sad that Sony cancelled this game in favour of Eyepet etc... (although, having seen Eyepet in motion at Gamescom I must say, it looks VERY cool... the animations of that animal are more than impressive!).
To cancel something like this that has a guaranteed audience in favor of something that could be a flop of "You're in the Movies" proportions indicates that they either don't know what they're doing or they're investing a lot more with the redistributed resources than what you see in Eyepet. I like to think that a lot of the R&D and tech that's come from Eyepet's development will make it into the general SDK and we'll see more trojan-horsing of features like head tracking (GT5) selling people on the Eye, and eventually, the motion controllers.
I know they made a zillion different animations for the characters but am I the only one who thinks SOME of the transitions between animations is rather jerky/poppy. I mean from crouch behind a crate to then jumping over it, the rate/accleration at which his body stands up is almost superhuman.

Still, looked like a fun game. Reminds me of the other cancelled game Killing Floor by Namco. Also, that leaves 2 Days To Vegas. Wonder what happened to that.
Well... the animation system of Eyepet is highly impressive. The trailers don't show half of it. The pet has a huge range of emotions, which are displayed very well (for example, you can "examine" the pet with sort of a X-Ray thing, and it looks really intimidated by it, etc).
Gosh. Seems a very well progressed engine. Good shadowing, animation and destruction, all modern features that are quite lacking in games. Is this game being turned into something else, or has all that work gone to pot?
Reminds me, we aven't seen anything of the getaway either since the initial smoking gun trailer, has that been canned too?
Gosh. Seems a very well progressed engine. Good shadowing, animation and destruction, all modern features that are quite lacking in games. Is this game being turned into something else, or has all that work gone to pot?

As per now its inside the pot.

Reminds me, we aven't seen anything of the getaway either since the initial smoking gun trailer, has that been canned too?

That & This both got canceled together, & ironically [uh?] both were games by SCE London Studios. I cant think of anyone who would choose Home & Eye Pet over 8 Days & The Getaway 3. :smile:
That & This both got canceled together, & ironically [uh?] both were games by SCE London Studios. I cant think of anyone who would choose Home & Eye Pet over 8 Days & The Getaway 3. :smile:
Which is why I feel they've either have to be off their managerial rocker or leveraging all that talent on a much bigger picture that we're not being shown.

I've been hearing things (from a little birdy I work with) about motion controller games in development, before the motion controller was shown at E3. The developer has a website but shares no specific details about the platform or titles they're working on. Sony is still able to keep some things secret.
I've been hearing things (from a little birdy I work with) about motion controller games in development, before the motion controller was shown at E3. The developer has a website but shares no specific details about the platform or titles they're working on. Sony is still able to keep some things secret.

What else have you heard ? :devilish:
Which is why I feel they've either have to be off their managerial rocker or leveraging all that talent on a much bigger picture that we're not being shown.

I've been hearing things (from a little birdy I work with) about motion controller games in development, before the motion controller was shown at E3. The developer has a website but shares no specific details about the platform or titles they're working on. Sony is still able to keep some things secret.

When you say "before" how much long before E3? A year or two?
When you say "before" how much long before E3? A year or two?
Probably around a year before, but I don't know how long they've been developing, or any specifics of the process. For all I know, they could have started with thumbstick controls on the SIXAXIS, and evolved from there. There are some very exciting marketing details I've heard, but it's not my place to divulge.