Problems and Feature Requests

Unless Rys has a table bbcode plugin installed, I believe your only option is to use the code option which accepts spacing. XF2.1 has table support built-in. Another option is a screenshot of the table of data to post as an image.

I've done screenshots of tables in the past, however, it isn't the best solution if moderators want to help/change data within a more real-time fashion. If the 'code' option is the only option... then it will have to do.
In the process of upgrading my dev site to 2.1 and UI.X Pro, I think this forum could really benefit from [TH] Topics.
Reminder that XenForo 1.5 goes EOL at the end of May. Security updates until end of 2019.
I thought the downtime was closer to 6 hours? The first notification I got that things were down was round 5am my time, and I’d fixed it by 10am, so factoring in some slack on the notification I figured 6 or so.
I thought the downtime was closer to 6 hours? The first notification I got that things were down was round 5am my time, and I’d fixed it by 10am, so factoring in some slack on the notification I figured 6 or so.
Yeah definitely wasn't 24 hours, maybe 6.
Well I may be wrong, my sense of time is pretty out of whack atm :unsure: but I think it was more than 6hrs.
Roughly 6 hours.

One can loosely use the Recent Activities to get a general span between when site was up and last post or rating before site went boom.

Eastern Time Zone:
Post at Monday 10:36 pm
Post like at Tuesday 4:44 am.

Feature request logged, I'll hopefully make that happen at the end of the year as part of the work to get to XF2.
Why is there no option for the user to delete post? Instead you have to send a report to the mod team.
Usually it's because you shouldn't let users delete a post they made which has a bunch of replies and generated discussion just because they didn't like the replies. Maintain continuity. Can be other reasons as well.