It's very grotty. Just shows some footballers in a fuzzed-out, moire afflicted set of pics that one can't derive any sense of game graphics from. Wait for real pics!
i guess your username is some sort of irony right?
You've missed all the people changing there names around here?!?!i know there won't be chance to change it...
i know there won't be chance to change it, but at least i hope i justify value of username at least forum policy is to grant a name change for anyone that wants it, as long as the user name to change to isn't offensive, clashes with another and is otherwise acceptable (the decision for that being up to us). So if you want one, just ask.
18 GB ?.. 18GB compressed or without compression ?.. If 18GB is compressed file size than that means 2 DVD9 Disc + HDD Installation for Xbox360 , hmm ?.. Wow ...真正支援全高清,容量突破18GB! - Full support of HD, Storage is over 18GB!
18 GB ?.. 18GB compressed or without compression ?.. If 18GB is compressed file size than that means 2 DVD9 Disc + HDD Installation for Xbox360 , hmm ?.. Wow ...
How did the Orient ever write exclamations before they nicked our punctuation marks?貫徹多平台化! - Multi Platformed
「弱能防守」不再!AI徹底改良,防守意識大增 - Poor Defense is gone, AI has been completely changed and their Defensive mentality has increased
更趨真實化!盤扭動作大洗牌 - IT's more realistic! Dribbling animations completely changed!
單對單攔截、越位陷阱效果優化 - 1 on 1 tackles and Offside Traps have better results
力保不LAG!重點強化網上對戰穩定性 - No Lag!! Strengthening online battles and their stability
PS3另一《WE》新作搶閘推出! - Another WE on PS3 will be out!
真正支援全高清,容量突破18GB! - Full support of HD, Storage is over 18GB!
Does it produce a better result than using HDD?Hihihi.
They probably just written everything 3-4 times to make up for seek speeds.
Does it produce a better result than using HDD?
Not necessarily but it reduces seek times, which can benefit in different ways than just texture caching on a HDD would.
This was fairly common last generation, to make duplicate files in order to cut down on seek speeds. Resistance, also has some of this if i remember correctly.
I think you missed one's point. Why bother duplicating files on the BRD disc to improve seek times when you can instead cache to HDD and get even better results? Because the HDD is standard in PS3, the need for reducing seek times on the optical drive are reduced. You create a faster HDD caching system instead.Not necessarily but it reduces seek times, which can benefit in different ways than just texture caching on a HDD would.