Of course not, but since they're both AMD GPUs (it's not like one is an nVidia card), flops would give you some indication of relative power (in the devkits) - especially since the Durango devkit GPU will not have the customisations (and ESRAM) of the final part.
Plus MS seems to be the one heavily customising the GPU (like last time with Xenos), Sony's probably going for a more off the shelf part (like RSX) again.
That makes it unlikely for the Durango GPU to be weaker but have higher or the same FLOPS as the PS4 GPU, since that would mean Sony has the more customised part.
FLOPS is an easy metric for quick comparison too, what else could lherre be basing his statement on other than FLOPS?
And we've got a lower FLOPS number (1+ vs close to 2) from bgassassin as well as the weaker GPU statement from lherre.