Some devs claim it's not specifically the Cell which was the problem in the Kutaragi era. It's that they didn't pay enough attention to other studios and didn't pay enough attention to the software side, they didn't provide adequate libraries to develop and they expected everyone would just figure it out. Let's do assembly like it's 1992!

The new management is supposedly giving a LOT of support to external developers with a pretty good code library for the Cell. They took criticism very seriously so hopefully it's looking good for the PS4.
They said in the interview that Sony excels at integration and should focus on that strength. So here's my utterly uneducated guess for the PS4, point-and-laugh at will:
- Power supply on the PS3 is small, stable and efficient, they know how to design good power supplies. Should be similar.
- Silent Cooling. They already have an amazing scirocco fan design that can dissipate over 200W is silence. First model should again target 200W.
- Ps Move, better eyeToy (higher frame rate and depth channel), Vita symbiosis. They can get ANY port from other systems. This neutralizes competitors's differentiating factors, unless MS surprises us with Kinect-2, which is very probable

- 128GB BDXL is a given, all RnD is done, low cost.
- Playback of any disc format imaginable, already covered. The rest is digital service offering, in progress.
- 1TB HDD, just get the best supplier, second SKU with a smaller HDD or maybe a few GB of internal flash (xbox360 style).
- Cell 2, They'll scale up and improve the Cell which they already own the design and fabs. 4x PPE, 16 SPE.
- Deal with a supplier of wide-IO memory dies in a stackable format.
- Customized Nvidia Kepler core, adapted the I/O for stacked memory and bus to CPU.
- They'll figure out a way to put CPU, GPU and memory on a 2.5D interposer. Heavy negotiation with all parties involved to make it happen. Standardize.
In this scenario, they'd have invested most of their RnD on this last point, and essentially betting the farm on it. They already have a fab with a good output of stacked CMOS sensors, so maybe it's feasible and they have that expertise, if they can pull it off they have the performance edge they need. Great differentiation. Cherry on the cake is that it does everything again.
Oh, and they should give the whole company to Richard Marks, he was right back in 2001 they didn't trust him, but he was f***** right all along