Pre-Order Info/Help - PS4/XO

They didn't mention or even show the PS4 Eye at all at the Sony E3 conference.

I know. I'm looking at the Amazon page. It's rather ambiguous in that regard, along with the HDD size. I'm guessing 250 GB (WAG). If you see something that says it is or is not included, please let me know.
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Anyways, just a friendly reminder that other threads exist to compare the business strategy and the technical hardware of the two systems. Please try to keep the versus items out of this thread.
Pre-ordered PS4. Even though there's no used game DRM, will be buying my games digitally so I don't have to swap disks when doing Remote Play on my Vita. I don't predict the Xbox One staying at $499 for very long...
Now that both consoles look rather similar...I probably have to mark one to distinguish them, maybe I scratch an X in the PS4.
Moving in September so no pre-orders until then if at all. It gives me time to decide if I will pick up either at launch or wait and see until after the New Year. Probably will end up with both eventually.
I'm going to buy PS4 at launch, sell the PS4 for more money, then buy PS4 later when there's actually a game I want to play.

I still have a 20+ backlog of games on my PS3/360/Vita to play which will take me a year or so to clear. I'd rather buy a new unit off of craigslist and save some money in the process.
one is substantially smaller than the other with a sloping front...not clue enough!? lol

PS4 - pre-ordered from Game weeks ago :)
I was gonna pre-order from MS Store but it doesn't say anything about getting a special bonus so I'm thinking about pre-ordering from Amazon instead.
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There are a few people at GAF saying that the PS4 has considerably more pre-order slots than the X1... wonder if this is because of the rumored yield issues. Also wonder if that has anything to do with what I'm here from stores in Canada. A few people here have reported the PS4 being pre-ordered more than the X1 by a ratio of ~6-7:1. One person reported that his friend that works at futureshop (owned by bestbuy, pretty much the same store) got an e-mail saying to put PS4 pre-orders on hold because they've exceeded expectations... I guess this was kind of expected though.
I was gonna pre-order from MS Store but it doesn't say anything about getting a special bonus so I'm thinking about pre-ordering from Amazon instead.

There's a bonus for pre-ordering from Amazon? Hmm I pre-ordered from there but don't recall seeing any bonus...
There's a bonus for pre-ordering from Amazon? Hmm I pre-ordered from there but don't recall seeing any bonus...

Xbox One - Day One Console includes a limited edition controller, token code to unlock Day One achievement, premium packaging, and decal.
Oh cool that's the one I ordered, didn't even know it came with that :)

you also get exclusive dlc

forza you get instant acess to three cars tuned to top of their class.

Ryse you get an exclusive multiplayer map and sword with bonuses

Kinect sports rivals you get sporting equipment that separates your champion from the rest of the world

Dead rising 3 you get an exclusive frank west and chuck greene tribute pack with bonus attributes.

I hope they add some more stuff to make the package more interesting.

Oh and there is day 1 xbox live gold 12 months.

Killer Instinct: Round One with the exclusive Shadow Jago
There are a few people at GAF saying that the PS4 has considerably more pre-order slots than the X1... wonder if this is because of the rumored yield issues. Also wonder if that has anything to do with what I'm here from stores in Canada. A few people here have reported the PS4 being pre-ordered more than the X1 by a ratio of ~6-7:1. One person reported that his friend that works at futureshop (owned by bestbuy, pretty much the same store) got an e-mail saying to put PS4 pre-orders on hold because they've exceeded expectations... I guess this was kind of expected though.

hearsay and innuendo...

especially given gaf's bias, eat with salt...

on amazon u.s., a more open metric at least, ps4 is #1. xbone has two editions though, day 1 and standard, the former #2 the latter #5. it's possible if you combined them it's even ahead of ps4. it also seems the day 1 edition is sold out.

i dont believe that for a second though, xbone had no chance at #1 on amazon once ps4 came in at 399. Thats just a huge thing to overcome. if they were equally priced it might have been a battle...
Oh cool that's the one I ordered, didn't even know it came with that :)

the day one crap seems like a great idea, it already seems odd ps4 doesn't have it. expect others to copy in future.

it's trivial nonsense, but the type of trivial nonsense people love.