I'd argue with this on purpose even if it wasn't about Lair. Your ability to use the controls does not prove anything. There are youtube videos of guys completing the Rubik cube in unbelievably short time as well, but it doesn't mean that anyone else can do it, too.
But the more important point is that you guys act like Lair's low scores are only the result of the motion control issues that some lame journalists have with an otherwise flawless game.
No we don't. I take strong prejudice against this generalisation. You quote patsu yourself for Pete's sake. If you can't even see that someone like patsu doesn't fit your extremely broad-stroked 'you guys' definition, then I don't know what else to do but ignore you from here on (on any subject that does not involve 3D graphics and art.
Yet almost every review I've read talks about annoying and uninspired gameplay, various graphics issues, and so on. It is quite obvious that in their rush to get the game out of the door, Factor5 had to resort to remake Rouge Squadron with dragons, but change the gameplay for the worst - even patsu here has listed several stupid problems (unskippable engine movies for some kills, uncontrolable auto targeting, lack of radar, silly mission design etc). And I guess I don't have to get into details about my opinion on the graphics.
Shall we go then into the details of you never having played the game either, like me, but unlike, say, patsu?
There will be plenty of other titles on the PS3 that will be good and successful. The only thing you can get out from sticking to Lair and attacking the entire gaming media is that your opinions will become completely weightless here on B3D.
Like yours? Because remember, there used to be a day where your opinions on certain aspects isolated you from the 'majority' as well. Except that in this case, the people on this forum who actually played the game and had problems with the basic controls (except, again, the issues that have been explicitly noted by me, patsu, and god knows who else), are in a huge majority. Maybe even a 100% majority.
I don't give a ^%&( about Lair or Factor 5. But I do care about motion controls, and right now, if I am getting anything out of this, then hopefully at the very least some sort of reviewer that I can trust on this subject, because I do rely on reviews (not the grades, but the content) quite a lot, and have done so for 20 years. (I think I've gotten quite good at it actually).
I think many people here who do like the motion controls feel the same. (And we probably have a fair number of symphatisers among the Wii crowd.