I completed the game with gold medals across the board...
Still waiting for people to post how to get the platinums...
(no.3 on the global rankings currently

After finishing the game (4 times, because each gold medals required at least 4 attempts at every level), I didn't find the control annoying at all. It worked very well for me (used firmware 1.92 all the way)
however, there are certain things that I would like to complain about
1. framedrops: should have tried to done a bit less to cope with the framerate issues. It's by no means "unplayable", but does need some getting used to. If you can stand shadow of the collosus, then it won't be a problem here either.
2. 180 turns. It's not as unreliable as many reviewers claim it to be. It does go haywire sometimes, but I'd say that it's just one of the things you must get over with motion control. It's not 100% accurate, especially sudden jerks.
Hell I sometimes also get misjudgements on my analog sticks in games like Monster Hunter 2. motion sensing by default shouldn't be more responsive than buttons. (on these types of jerks, I mean) Remember that in order to register a "jerk", you have to finish your "jerk", which takes time. A much longer time than pressing a button. A button has no variation except pressure, which most games don't care about. A jerk has an infinite number of variations.
3. Combos: The camera for finding the next dragon to slam into should be able to move in more directions instead of only in a plane. This is the biggest gripe I have about the game. However, I don't think this is as big a problem as the reviewers claim it to be.
4. Some small bugs: like dragons freezing in fight mode...
5. difficult to get gold medals: well... some of them ARE a bit demanding... esp. the first stage. However, this is more of a rant
I had given the game a 7.5~8 before I got all the gold medals.
After finishing it, and getting much more used to the game, I would now give it a 8~8.5
It would definately deserve a 9 if there weren't for the small bugs and the small inconveniences.