Possible Xbox 2 names

It would be smart of MS to keep Xbox in the name for name recognition. I can't see any good reason why they would drop it.
The "box" part should just be dropped. X should remain, and will remain, since it's all part of the "DirectX" and "XNA" plan from Microsoft to take over the world and make us all mindless drones.
I juts hope they get over the Saturn look of the console... They should really try and make this one look classy, or at least less crappy cause it's 99.9999999% certain that Sony will make PS3 look amazing from the outside, they're very good at that kind of thing.
I would bet that the next xbox won't be called xbox2, xbox-2, xbox2(squared) or anything with just the 2. It wouldn't just look good (in marketing point of view) against PS3 (edit: oh, that was already mentioned in the topic quote ;) )
Especially, as surprisingly many mainstream gamers still mistake the xbox as "Playstation x or Playstation xbox" (I hear this constantly from people and friends around me, who do own either PSOne or PS2, but are not so called 'hardcore gamers'). It won't hurt MS that some people associate their console with the strong Playstation brand (I hope that was just a lucky accident, not a delibrate MS marketing effort).

My bet for next xbox name is .......




the 3 and E being printed in a symmetrical font, so that 3 is a mirror of E and vice versa.

The "3" comes from the rumoured 3-core CPU.
The "E" comes from .........something... "Engine", maybe :oops:

EX3 pronounces like "Extree", if it was EX3m, that would be like "Ex-tree-m"
3E pronounces like "Three-ee"
I know. The Office and Windows divisions wield considerably more power (DirectX box would not be here if they did not support it!!), but the feeble Microsoft Games really needs to step outside of their corporate cookie-cutter mentality and develop its own personality.

Like most products, nomenclature should give clueless consumers an inkling of purpose or function.

Barring that, Kim & Co. really, really need to cook up a name that is adorable, charismatic and inviting ... And it just so happens that Disney has a knack for this sort of thing! :D
If Microsoft doesn't use Xbox in the name, then the only alternative I would like is "Nexus". However, I sincerely doubt MS will loose Xbox in the name. They already built a brand that people at least in the US know and understand. Don't forget "Xbox Live!" has been very popular. I suspect it would cost too much marketing dollars to go with anything else.

I would be happy with any of the following...

Xbox 2
Xbox Next
Xbox 360
Xbox HD

Just one man's opinion!

Tommy McClain
X^2, X-2, or whatever could be pronounced as X-two. Hmm, maybe that cuts into X-men 2. :)