I would bet that the next xbox
won't be called xbox2, xbox-2, xbox2(squared) or anything with just the 2. It wouldn't just look good (in marketing point of view) against PS3 (edit: oh, that was already mentioned in the topic quote
Especially, as surprisingly many mainstream gamers
still mistake the xbox as "Playstation x or Playstation xbox" (I hear this constantly from people and friends around me, who do own either PSOne or PS2, but are not so called 'hardcore gamers'). It won't hurt MS that some people associate their console with the strong Playstation brand (I hope that was just a lucky accident, not a delibrate MS marketing effort).
My bet for next xbox name is .......
the 3 and E being printed in a symmetrical font, so that 3 is a mirror of E and vice versa.
The "3" comes from the rumoured 3-core CPU.
The "E" comes from .........something... "Engine", maybe
EX3 pronounces like "Extree", if it was EX3m, that would be like "Ex-tree-m"
3E pronounces like "Three-ee"