Phil Harrison's GDC keynote - Home, LittleBigPlanet & more

Some of those games will probably not make 2007, others I couldn't care less about... but I'll not start comparisions with other lineups.
LBP could be a system seller if they market it adequately, playing on the strenght of community based packages. As for the AAA games, I can think of Uncharted, Ratchet and Clanck, Heavenly Sword, Lair + Singstar + some internal stuff most probably. If we're lucky, we could even have White Knights Story and some Japanese goodies ! + non-exclusive titles...
Based on the amount of work we have to put into these nextgen assets (totally on par with our cinematic stuff by now), I'd expect the worst...
my original point on optimism, yes.

it's seems awfully quiet around some of those games to assume they will all drop in '07 IMO.

In coming to a figure like ~12, there's room for slippage. Unless you think SCEJ will only release one title this year, or the new eyetoy stuff won't come out in 07 etc. But I think most of those games are pretty good candidates for 07 - Lair, Hot Shots, Heavenly Sword, MLB, Singstar, Warhawk, Eye of Judgement all seem like certainties, at least half of them likely in the next few months (and I don't think Sony will take their foot of the pedal for the rest of the year, and their busiest seasons in Q3/Q4). Killzone is said to be second half by a Sony exec a couple of months back. That just leaves R&C and Uncharted, and both are beginning to get big cover-previews. That stuff asides, I really do think you'll see more from SCEJ if not also SCEE..I'm willing to bet at least one game will be released this year that to date we've heard practically nothing on, so I don't think "silence" around a game, to date, indicates a whole lot about its chances for 07.

Sony is a BIG publisher, a dozen titles for the rest of the year really ought not to be too unreasonable or surprising.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. Back to home/lbp.
Well I guess that's that then!

We have a handful of people in their 30's that like LBP, therefore we've proven that a sidescrolling games about little dolls running through a carboard cutout town will have the same mass appeal as a mature AAA franchise. :rolleyes:

If the PS3 was sub $199 then I could see this game moving systems, at $499 I just don't see it at all.

Anyways, we'll see when it's actually released. IMO, people starved for some positive news are over reacting to a cool concept.

Check out the the recent "age" thread. In general, B3D is right in the expensive console "demo".
And, in general, we're really excited about LBP. We're in the thread to talk about what we think about the actual product (as well as home).

You haven't talked about much in regards to Home or LBP besides harping on the idea than "These people won't like it, and those people won't like it and those who like it can't afford it and such and so forth." You've been strongly stating weakly supported opinions for pages now and maybe it's time to find another thread to poo-poo on.
Check out the the recent "age" thread. In general, B3D is right in the expensive console "demo".
And, in general, we're really excited about LBP. We're in the thread to talk about what we think about the actual product (as well as home).

You haven't talked about much in regards to Home or LBP besides harping on the idea than "These people won't like it, and those people won't like it and those who like it can't afford it and such and so forth." You've been strongly stating weakly supported opinions for pages now and maybe it's time to find another thread to poo-poo on.

Lol, maybe you should get a clue about what my opinions have been before trying to characterize them.

What I said about home?
- Not sure if Sony can pull it off, but I appreciate them raising the bar and keeping it free. Pushing the industry forward is a good thing.

That's about all I said on that.

As for LPB, newsflash for you, B3D does not even come close to reflecting the interests of the majority of the console market. You seem to be under the impression LBP is a system selling AAA title, and that anyone who doesn't agree with your judgement must be a biased f@nboy.

I just think that it's going to be a hard sell to the demographic PS3 targets.

But I don't really think that's a problem, like I said, they got the press on their side as a result which is more important right now.

Maybe you should try a little harder to understand my POV, and realize it's not actually so one sided. And you might also realize I'm entitled to my opinion on the potential popularity of LPB on a $500 system, just as you are yours.
PS3's demographic is, at the moment, high income earning males ages 18-40, which means upper middle class teens, or mature income earners, mostly the latter. A significant number of the people dropping $600 + $3-5k on an HD home theater setup are old enough to remember an era before FPS military sims. That's why retro-gaming is being supported by MS, Nintendo, and Sony because so many of us want to recapture our younger game playing experiences.
PS3's demographic is, at the moment, high income earning males ages 18-40, which means upper middle class teens, or mature income earners, mostly the latter. A significant number of the people dropping $600 + $3-5k on an HD home theater setup are old enough to remember an era before FPS military sims. That's why retro-gaming is being supported by MS, Nintendo, and Sony because so many of us want to recapture our younger game playing experiences.

No doubt there's a niche there. We'll see how well it translates to sales this fall.
Another interview... and some more details on LBP:

WN: As a player of this game, what kind of options do I have to change what's going on? Is it pretty much just that every object has a defined set of characteristics, or can I tweak things?

PH: You can tweak things.

WN: Give examples of what I might be able to do. Take the soccer ball. What could I do to the soccer ball to change the way it reacts?

PH: We are going to take a deeper dive on Little Big Planet probably in May, on the next Gamers' Day. Or maybe at E3 in July. And we'll take you through that in more detail. But there are ways to… think of an object being in certain classes: things that are spherical have certain spherical physical properties, things that are square kind of more square… you can see, you can change the shapes, you can extrude things, you can cut things out, you can blend things together. But you can also allocate behaviors to shapes as well. And that allows them to become alive. And that's where the really interesting gameplay comes from.

EDIT: Hey you guys should read the above interview. There are quite a few new details about LBP. I'm still going through it.
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Well I guess that's that then!
We have a handful of people in their 30's that like LBP, therefore we've proven that a sidescrolling games about little dolls running through a carboard cutout town will have the same mass appeal as a mature AAA franchise. :rolleyes:
how is this different then you (and a handful) of other ppl saying home + lbp arent killa apps, cause you said so hmmmm, remind me youre a great authority since when :D
i showed evidence that the todays killa games are a lot different than yesteryears more arcadish games
how is this different then you (and a handful) of other ppl saying home + lbp arent killa apps, cause you said so hmmmm, remind me youre a great authority since when :D
i showed evidence that the todays killa games are a lot different than yesteryears more arcadish games

Good point.

Thing is there is no precedence for a game like this being a $300+ system seller. Therefore, predicting something like this will now be a $500+ system seller, is hard to believe.

We shall see though.
Home at least has the potential to be a killer app. LBP? No way.

We can all agree on that :smile:

People very rarely agree to anything here ;)

What is a killer app, by the way?

I'm sure there'll be people who buy a PS3 upon LBP's release.

I personally think it'll be a triple A release, if not Sony's most important in quite some time (neither of which says anything about selling power, which I'm purposefully not going to touch, except to say that I hope it gets the commercial success that it deserves).
Home at least has the potential to be a killer app. LBP? No way.
We can all agree on that :smile:
true i agree home is gonna be bigger than lbp (as ive said here a couple of times before),
which sites had the most traffic last year?, i forget exactly but i know one was google and another was myspace ( ive been to maybe 10 myspace pages in my life but for a large segment of the population this is what they want to do )
to keep on harping on it, some ppl here have this closed mentality that the only games that suceed are ones with large explosions etc in them.
how confident am i in my reasoning?
well ive got an app coming out soon, im guessing + hoping its gonna be downloaded quite a bit, cause im aiming at a very large untapped niche
Depends on what you mean by AAA - multi-million sellers? Obviously Halo3 is a good candidate for that, but it seems now that almost every month has a potential million-selling game for the 360. Lost Planet and Crackdown have both sold very well, properly realizing this potential. There's a good chance that the same will happen to Forza2, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assassin, GTA4 and so on.
I'd say MS is better off with having a lot of 'small' hits instead of another one beyond Halo3. They can appeal to a larger audience, beyond sci-fi shooter fans, which should help the hw sales. And once the 360 user base reaches 30-40 million (if it does), these 'small' hits will become AAA blockbusters...
Depends on what you mean by AAA - multi-million sellers? Obviously Halo3 is a good candidate for that, but it seems now that almost every month has a potential million-selling game for the 360. Lost Planet and Crackdown have both sold very well, properly realizing this potential. There's a good chance that the same will happen to Forza2, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assassin, GTA4 and so on.
I'd say MS is better off with having a lot of 'small' hits instead of another one beyond Halo3. They can appeal to a larger audience, beyond sci-fi shooter fans, which should help the hw sales. And once the 360 user base reaches 30-40 million (if it does), these 'small' hits will become AAA blockbusters...

Yeah what's AAA is always up for debate. Is it the quality of the game or if it hits a million? Either way I believe the PS3 should have some AAA titles this year too. Like most games it depends on what they score (i.e. the quailty of the finished product).

I can think of 5 AAA titles right off the top of my head for the PS3.