Couple hours in, liking the game so far. Nice graphics, good lighting. The wheel chase scene was pretty impressive.
The whole leveling your guns via skillpoints thing is, interesting, not sure I love it or basically ends up that new (IE, never done before) skillshots are where the big points are, so you end up trying to do somewhat strained, artificial ways of killing enemies. It reminds me a lot of achievement hunting in that aspect. It also takes away some of the straightforwardness of encounters. Now instead of necessarily trying to just survive and proceed as in most games, and just focusing on the difficulty, you're trying to "set up" weaker enemies. The difficulty of your average opponents seems a bit dialed back then, as you cant just concentrate on killing. I dont know, it just has a lot of gameplay implications but it does add some nice variety and is something different and melds in pretty well.
One thing that bugs me a bit is the linearity, just beneath the surface, is pretty strong. It seems a bit more linear and "forward forward forward" than say, Gears of War, while still being nothing as bad as a COD title.
All in all though, already pretty addicted, keep wanting to play more more more.