NieR: Automata [PS4]

So bought it from the Golden Week sale and played this the Ending A, supposedly the first end (then had a sudden power cut which made my UPS fail too so couldn't see what happens after the End A). What a spectacle and what a fun ride ! You cant even put this game in any genre, its becomes anything it wants to be! And... Really liked the writing :D ! Very curious what happens after the first end.

What I find very very strange is that I never died in the whole game ! Not even once, not even at the end boss or anything ! Lol, thats impossible for a guy like me and that too in a platinum game is unthinkable ! I guess its pretty easy on normal. I suck at all such game, DMC, GOW, etc Cant believe it I never even got to see the death mechanic of the game :p !
As long as you get the timings for the evasive maneuver down (which is something that's surprisingly easy to pull off consistently), you're basically untouchable in this game. And that's before you even start to "break" the game by installing modules that restore health whenever you deal damage. Nier still feels like a Platinum game (which is an awesome thing), but it's clearly a Yoko Taro game in every other regard. I don't think that guy gives a single shit about "balance" or difficulty curves or what have you. Heck, if the fact that you can just buy your trophies in Nier isn't a clear statement I don't know what is.
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just bogh this game yesterday due to 30% discount on US PSN.

but i wont be home for months, away in the jungle lol.

i shold have waited for PC steam sale -____-
so going through the 9s playthrough and story revelations are pretty good and pointing towards sometjing more. waiting to the see the second end.

Its fun to see new stuff, new missions, new gameplay etc. infact more interested in side missions this time around as i Know what the main missions are.
this is a new first time experience for me....this kindof new game + . has this been done before? or is it a first time a game has spread its story and revelations over multiple playthroughs and added new gameplay to each?

i do wish the combat gameplay itself had more variety or depth. there are a lot of weapons u find but they seem to have the same moves. Also not many combos to brinng variety either. its pretty much just a buttonmasher. nearing end of 9s play through and still haven't died even once.

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Same for me. Bought it on Friday, thanks to the discount, finished the first playthrough yesterday. And OH MY GOD. Best game of the year for me. And I played all the big ones.
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so going through the 9s playthrough and story revelations are pretty good and pointing towards sometjing more. waiting to the see the second end.

Its fun to see new stuff, new missions, new gameplay etc. infact more interested in side missions this time around as i Know what the main missions are.
this is a new first time experience for me....this kindof new game + . has this been done before? or is it a first time a game has spread its story and revelations over multiple playthroughs and added new gameplay to each?

i do wish the combat gameplay itself had more variety or depth. there are a lot of weapons u find but they seem to have the same moves. Also not many combos to brinng variety either. its pretty much just a buttonmasher. nearing end of 9s play through and still haven't died even once.

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there;s other game like that but i forgot. But i havenot played nier so dunno how similar it is. heck i cant even remember the game i hve in mind. i just remember its something like what i read about nier with its "new game +"
Mind Blown again n again n again n again n there's still more to come !!!
This game is reaching MGS level madness !
TAro basically destroyed the concept of an "end" of a videogame ! Holy shit the stuff is so cool later ! Really pity the guys who thought the first end was the end and sold the game or stopped. 3(4 in a way) ends down,I just cant stop playing ! and its not a rehash each time, only the first two ends have the same story timeframe is all i will say !
Damn it , its nothing special, the game, but its so so damn special ! Surprises every 20 mins for 26 hours now ! This is so damn cool !
endjng C : mind blown again ! what a spectacle ! [emoji122][emoji41]
This is gonna be a cult classic !!!

edit: Two trophies seem to have bugged out though. one for ending C and another i dont know which one. When they popped on screen they didnt have the Associated icons and later when i synced they didnt show up. What a bummer...wanted to see what it was.
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Holy shit, its like just me in this room, damned my whole body has goosebumps right now ! Holy shit this was so damned awesome ! :D :D :D

End E done and my hair standing on ends ! No youtube nothing, everything was a surprise ! Holy shit, so much passion into one game this is crazy !

This guy is a hidden Kojima ! :love: you Yoko Taro , I wish I knew about you before !
Will come back later, I am too high on the game right now , It was absolutely amazing ! AMAZING !
Go play it you buggers, you are missing out on probably the best title this year !

THe opening lines of this guy is pretty close to how I feel. This game NEEDS to be played. Stay spoilerfree and just pay it, no matter how it feels initially.

This is why I say its like MGS ! Its not the gamepay style, its the passion and quality and acceptance of its medium and style of delivery !
Yoko Taro has come closest to Kojima. No one else has, for me.
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It just really feels that the game has a heart. It was made with love, and that really pops out of the screen. Also the whole ending system is quite impressive.

THe opening lines of this guy is pretty close to how I feel. This game NEEDS to be played. Stay spoilerfree and just pay it, no matter how it feels initially.

This is why I say its like MGS ! Its not the gamepay style, its the passion and quality and acceptance of its medium and style of delivery !
Yoko Taro has come closest to Kojima. No one else has, for me.

Well, in many ways he's surpassed him I'd say. If only because Nier has a grand total of 26 endings, while MGS5 with all of its gargantuan budget couldn't even muster a single satisfying one .
You missed out on countless empty, tedious and going-nowhere subsequent hours then:)
MGSV had some brilliant mechanics. Unfortunately those where constantly torpedoed by the overall game design they were inbedded in: here's a gazillion weapons, but we're only gonna let you use two of them. Here's an open-world, but we'll surround the missions with invisible walls that cause insta-fails regardless.
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MGSV isnt the only mgs ever made by Kojima ! we all know it ran into troubles and almost could have never come out. its an unfinished game and so bringing it out as an only example of an MGS game is simply cruel.

Not just the ending system of Nier, the ending themselves are fantastic. The major ones arent really multiple ends, tbh, they are just handed out that way to break ur mindsets. it could have been a single 30 hour game with those story beats. wont spoil it for others.
the constant stream of surprises is the biggest strength of rhe game, coupled with the superb gameplay which holds and the best battle music ever !

and it can also feel empty during the first playthrough when u r not that invested.

As for MGSV, yet to finish it but i never found it empty, instead it felt like the most reactive open world while playing. one of rare game worlds which let me do what i want and still stayed fun. Even the motherbase had me lose hours.

in fact, Nier has really made me go back to MGSV ! I think I will finish that finally as I so stoked and totally jn Kojima mood now.

BTW, I started a new game again from my save of Nier (after endjng E) and initial enemies which appeared were level 59 but as soon as I landed in the factory it started spawning level 1 enemies again ! is there no way to go new game+ after ending E?? I really want to upgrade those other weapons and play with combinations I did not try the firzt time.

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Well well well. What a ride. Going through my third play now. I'm grossly overpowered at level 86 and the right chips installed, which I love, as I can just mow down everyone while never being in danger of dying. And I can see this crazy story unfold.