NieR: Automata [PS4]

cant wait to play and finish it in 2 days (ill only have around 1 week holiday and there's a bunch of games i need to finish before i come back to the jungle)
Cant play other games now :( ! Tried to play GOW 3 remaster thinking it would be the right thing to go to from Nier, turns out that feels like utter shit compared to the smooth combat of Nier.
So, I am back in here levelling up randomly just because it is fun !
Mega wink!!!! But I didn't have to wink too much. More games should wink more.
hahha...hell yeah they should ! i actually chuckled when i found it ! My first platinum for sure as I just cant get my mind to do stuff for trophies if its not fun ! I still dont have the Horizon platinum though the ones that are left are just about collecting metal flowers and such boring things. All thw fun trophies automatically happen bjt i can never convince myself to go doing boring stuff for that trophy.

With this game everytjing has been fun jn one way or the other including this winking stuff he put in there. Such a passionate product: it feels worthwhile to spend time in there !!!

whats ur take btw? For me its pretty much the GOTY 2017 ! Havent played persona yet, but from what i have played this year, this takes the cake, the bakery and the baker and the whole town ! :D

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Well I played Persona, Horizon, pretty much everything and honestly this is probably my top game so far.
Yup !
Lets see when I get to Persona, but I dont feel that willl topple Nier for me because I presume Persona will be traditional, conventional while Nier managed to break as many as it could.

Man, I had my hair standing on ends on when the "Final" (End E) credits were rolling ! Literally, I was electrified ! I wont say anything for spoiling it for anyone else, but those credits ! Damn, what a fine game , right upto the final-est final moment ! Even something like credits were a part of the experience :love::love::love:!
I did go finish up a couple of things after the 'real' end. Which door?
don't really know. Found a closed door in the desert main open area. It didnt open at that time. Shall check it out tonight !
Any idea if its something special or related to some quest. Its in the main Desert sand dunes area.

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I was just thinking the other day that my two top games this year have been this and Persona. Both with graphics that are anything but advanced.

Persona is basically an upscaled PS3 game. Nier, bit better but still nothing that anyone can called advanced by any means, plus it doesn't run great even on the Pro, which is a shame especially when games like Horizon are out at the same time.

And yet, we can sit here and analyse graphics and performance until the next century, but in the end it really is about the game.

I'm getting old, right?

And I'm not knocking Horizon, it's an amazing game and pretty much on par with these two, but it's also very much an exception in a sea of very beautiful games without much else going for them.
You might be old, but u r right too :) . Exactly what I felt last night. My mind was comparing Nier to FFXV, the other celebrated jap rpg, and after playing Nier, FFXV feels like a very shiny 'nothing' to me. The games that actually made an indelible impact on me are Last Guardian and Nier and both are graphically lacking when compared to FFXV yet profoundly more impactful.
yet FFXV is being called the comeback of Japan. As a game, its the others that are the real comeback for japan!

Long story short, yes, these games just show that gfx while important are a distant third when it comes to actual impact of a game or the enjoy-ability of the game.

The AAA phenomena is all about gfx though and honestly that sustains the gaming industry and creates business with its shiny looks and then these games, like Nier and persona, get created and serve the ones that have converted to gaming as a part of their lives. When I talk to younger ppl its always the wow factor that brings them in...just like I myself used to drool over every pixel back then.

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tnx, ill back them up just in case
There is no just in case, dont worry. The game does not play any pranks, but yes some ppl like to have best of both the worlds and u can do it for that reason. I am thankfull to all that sacrificed their save for me. I had no idea untill I got the ending E.