NieR: Automata [PS4]

Man... why do fishing mini-games in larger games suck me in so much?

I was up till 2am last night, angling for "just one more Coelcanth machine" :p

I flippin love this game so far!
Remember, the game doesn't end at the first 'ending'. It keeps going and you need to 'end' the game 5 times to actually finish the game. Everything will make sense, don't worry.
Remember, the game doesn't end at the first 'ending'. It keeps going and you need to 'end' the game 5 times to actually finish the game. Everything will make sense, don't worry.


So wait... I'm doing my common thing of making sure I clear every possible sidemission available before I move onto the next main story mission? Does this mean I should just crack on with the story and not be so much of a completionist until the end?

So wait... I'm doing my common thing of making sure I clear every possible sidemission available before I move onto the next main story mission? Does this mean I should just crack on with the story and not be so much of a completionist until the end?

Any side quests you don't do the first time around will be there the second time and so on, so I wouldn't spend too much time all at once doing quests. You'll have a lot of time to do them, and still enjoy all the story you go through. It's completely up to you, really.

Also there will be new side missions next time too so do what u see so tht u get to do the others the next time u come around these lands :)

Sweet! Thanks :)

I've got the entire week off work, next week. I normally just stay up late for the E3 conferences and then drag myself into work, but this year I said fck it, I'm taking the whole week off :mrgreen:

So i'm going to pour my time into this game so hard over that period, in between gushing over all the new E3 announcements.
That's what I did. I played what felt like a couple of hours, and next thing I knew, I saved the game and the game time was something like 11 hours? Then kept going and next thing I was at 31 hours. No idea how that happened. But that's how much this game sucks you in.
Actually, thinking about it... I vaguely remembering a time during the summer holidays as a kid, when my twin, my buddy and I stayed up for about 3 days straight (no sleep, just eat and toilet breaks) playing Golden Eye 64 multiplayer.

That was one hell of a trippy three days tbh. I think the adrenaline combined with the insomnia kinda a damaged us.
A bit late to the party, got this on PC during the Steam sale and loving every minute. The ost is amazing too :)

Just got through the boss-fight in which this plays:

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Finished the game finally (ABCDE). Very good game and definitely one of the best this gen. Kinda bummed about having to play multiple times though, if they managed to trim this down to one compact playthrough this would be something very special. In some ways in terms of game design this is pure genius, in others it feels half-assed. The overall result is pretty damn good though.

Edit: A2 felt under-developed sadly, probably the most interesting character of the three.
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I agree. I think the second run in particular was just way too similar. It did feel like a lot of padding. The third run was great, though. The game was pretty fantastic regardless. I just don't think it's the masterpiece everyone seems to think it is.
I agree. I think the second run in particular was just way too similar. It did feel like a lot of padding. The third run was great, though. The game was pretty fantastic regardless. I just don't think it's the masterpiece everyone seems to think it is.
I agree. I think the second run in particular was just way too similar. It did feel like a lot of padding. The third run was great, though. The game was pretty fantastic regardless. I just don't think it's the masterpiece everyone seems to think it is.

im on the second run. THe first few hours is interesting but after that, yeesh its too similar.

so the 3rd play is good. i guess ill just plow thru this 2nd play