PC-Engine said:Again you haven't backed up ANY of your theories then you make ALOT of assumptions to TRY and make your nonsubstantiated theories sound true. Where's YOUR proof? I've already provided my sources whether you consider it marketing or not. Many many speaker manufacturers are making the same discoveries.
Should I need to find proof that the sky is blue? This is all quite in the realm of common audio knowledge, honestly. You think I'm trying to pull a fast one on you? Have I said anything that is utterly outlandish? Don't believe me- fine. Just don't be shocked to find the emperor is wearing no clothes, though. He hasn't for a long time.
Your source, OTOH, was a "whitepaper" intended to generate interest in a specific product. Proof, indeed!
BTW you don't know ANYTHING about audio equipment. Most good EQs have a S/N ratio of over 100db mine goes past 110![]()
Most audio equipment can have very good S/N ratio. EQ's, OTOH, are typically the worst offenders, unless they are very, very simple in functionality.
Have you ever heard of constant Q? 20kHz only my friend.
Constant Q, eh? So that implies you have no control over Q. The Q is preset. Essentially, the EQ function you have is exactly the same as virtually everybody else who has an "EQ" (only yours has a rather oddball center frequency at 20 kHz)- constant Q is not that "special" in the least. For all you know, your 20 kHz adjustment is effecting the entire 10-20 kHz range. Makes a lot of sense why you do hear a difference with cymbals, none of which points at ultrasonics as the explanation. Perhaps you thought it was "infinite Q"? What would even be the point of an "infinite Q" filter, let alone if that is even implementable? You are premising an infinite resonance at a single frequency- arguably comparable in "trouble" as a metal dome tweeter in a bad breakup mode. Way to make use of a "50 kHz Supertweeter" by putting an intentional spike right at 20 kHz.
Where did you get you laws of physics from? Where's your source? Yeah that's what I thought. Do you have a phd in acoustic science?
You are seriously running out of ammo here. Basically, all you have left is "I don't believe what you are telling me." You have no reasoned logic to present in counterpoint, just denial. Furthermore, you don't need a PhD in acoustic science to figure this out (though I imagine you feel that if you can "hear" something associated with your equipment purchases that puts your views on an equally authoritive level as one?). An engineering degree is quite sufficient. We haven't even discussed anything that really lies in hardcore acoustics science (did you realize that or did you assume it was naturally applicable?). Don't get upset at me over this bitter pill. Just acknowledge there is an entirely other side of the story to consider here.
Everything is marketing to you because you can't admit that you're wrong with outdated theories. Until you can prove otherwise you're just spewing BS![]()
It's really not hard to pick out "marketing" when you understand the topic. Otherwise, I do understand how you would find this a quandry. No BS spewing from you at all, right?
50db of ambient room noise my ass...sorry but I don't live by the freeway man![]()
You really think 50 dB is that "loud"?
Try listening to some classical man. Don't know where you get your loudness BS. You must listen to Eminem![]()
Now that is just plain insulting. I don't like Eminem at all. I do listen to some classical, so I got you covered there. Additionally, my musical tastes are not just limited to classical. Is this comment in regard to when I mentioned "loudness curve"? If so, your response is especially comedic. You evidently haven't the slightest inkling of how the loudness curve fits in to all of this, do you?
Blame it on marketing when you can't find substantiated evidence to prove otherwise...typical![]()
If you had some knowledge on the topic, you wouldn't have trouble giving reasoned counterpoint to the implications I presented to you, now would you? Just enjoy your system for what it gives you. I ask nothing less of you.