DLSS versus FSR, again, neither being PSSR *spawn

It hasn’t been used in any console game AFAIK as it’s a fair bit more expensive than FSR 2.

From watching DF videos, it seems inconsistent.
A lot of the xess implementations have had weird problems, but when it's done well, I'm pretty sure that it can be considered better than TSR. And at the same time, xess can be implemented in all game engines, unlike TSR.

Testing on it is really limited for the Intel cards version, so I can't really bring examples. But I had a arc a750 and tested xess and TSR in some unreal engine stuff, and at lower res I could see some advantages.

TSR is the best non ai upscaler, that's for sure.
Anyone wish to rate the various upscaling techniques best to worst ? ( or the other way ;) )
To my eye DLSS is clearly superior to FSR. It's not even close. I do have a 1080p monitor and I've read FSR is not good at 1080p.

Side note, 1080p seems to look worse than it did 10 years ago. I think games are doing some effects at low % of screen resolution which means at 1080p some things run at Super Nintendo resolution.