On June 11th Playstation Nation will be smiling wide.

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How many spies use chainguns I wonder :LOL:

Well it says there are 2 factions Unite and Paragon.

Unite is the stealthy one, sneaking inside the defenses and surgically taking out their target. Paragon is all about big guns, explosions and obliterating.

Unite are the Spies. Paragon are over the top Mercenaries.
I haven't seen the video yet, based on shots posted, I say muscle twins behind the girl look pretty nice. Other than that only good I see is that the game certainly doesn't look like any UE3 game out there.
I have no problem with cartoony flat textures, lack of specular lighting (or shiny armor/latex stuff) but the girl looks weird.

Do we even know those shots are from PS3? I thought PS3 version would be released later than PC version. It may be even worse :).
Of course, gameplay is different story. It got my attention at least.

seems like an MMO version of TFC....models remind me of TFC2 as well

Team Fortress C? Cartoony style reminded me TF2 initially, but I cannot really stretch my imagination to TFC.

In the end, I'm glad they choose the less crappy approach (as opposed to Home, Virtua Tennis, Strangehold etc...).

It does, but it still doesn't scream "I must make sure everyone realises that this is realtime" at me.

It just looks average.
Avarage? Avarage CGI maybe. That shot looks too good, considering the rest (of the shots or the games).
I think it looks quite good, can't wait to see it in motion.
For a massively multiplayer online game that has big play area it certainly looks on par, if not above the current standards.
If comparisons are allowed, The Agency looks better than GTA4, and GTA4 is mainly singleplayer. Did GTA4 get backslashed for disappointing graphics? No, because it's not PS3 exclusive ;)
Just to put things in perspective.

So, is it confirmed The Agency is the megaton?


That out of my system, it looks good enough for an MMO--and nice, stylistically--and if they can get that playing to speed on a reasonably-specced PC it will be solid.

I'm still torn on whether the game can deliver lasting attraction to this genre in MMO form, but will be keeping an eye out.

the Agency says "Hi" ;)
Keep in mind I wasn't saying "COULD NEVER HAPPEN" or berating the announcement or the game itself... I was mocking, quite specifically, this: "I can tell you this.. On June 11th playstion nation will be smiling wide, because they are gonna have something the 360 people can only dream of and it was real time!!! ...real time im tellin ya!! what we saw...we've been sworn to secrecy"

...and now I can also successfully mock their utterance of our somehow being so shocked as to disbelieve that these screens could possibly be real-time.
Doesn't look that good to me, guess the guy has very low standards :LOL:

I honestly cannot believe that is what got the guy all in a tizz. Maybe when America awakes we shall see what the real fuss was about.

Agreed. Not that im trying to stir feces, but cmon, Huxley(X360) is "realtime" and visually looks better than that.

because they are gonna have something the 360 people can only dream of

Dream of huh? wow, this guy phails :???:

Now im not gonna judge the game because it could turn out enjoyable despite the visuals, but I cant help but take jabs at the guy who overhyped it :devilish:
I actually think this game looks pretty cool. It's peaked my interest more than any other MMO, so that's a first step in the right direction.

It's too bad this game is going to get a negative rap just because some irresponsible journalist flew off the handle. I swear a day doesn't go by when the gaming press doesn't one-up themselves in the class department....

Anyway, I wonder why they chose the Unreal Engine for this? It doesn't look anything like we've seen that engine produce before. Perhaps it's a physics choice?
Anyway, I wonder why they chose the Unreal Engine for this? It doesn't look anything like we've seen that engine produce before. Perhaps it's a physics choice?
It is a multi-platform game, PC and PS3. That is probably part of the reason.

I think it´s a good idea that a Sony company uses the Unreal Engine, they may give Epic some good feedback and tips about how to improve the engine, with regard to PS3 optimisations and such.
<laughs> I love the "kick down the door, chaingunning" scene. :p Thanks for the link, almighty. I just wish they didn't bleep it... ;)
It is a multi-platform game, PC and PS3. That is probably part of the reason.

I think it´s a good idea that a Sony company uses the Unreal Engine, they may give Epic some good feedback and tips about how to improve the engine, with regard to PS3 optimisations and such.
Aren't Epic already doing that themselves with UT2007?

I don't know what they'd gain from SOE's input that they wouldn't from Konami (Fatal Inertia) from what I understand SOE aren't the greatest devs in the world.
[sarcasm] OMG I cant believe this is real time![/sarcasm]

Not excited at all. That looks so underwhelming I doubt this is the game he was talking about. Actually I doubt he even saw a game
Aren't Epic already doing that themselves with UT2007?.
Epic is not a Sony a studio and UT3 will also be on the 360.
I don't know what they'd gain from SOE's input that they wouldn't from Konami (Fatal Inertia) from what I understand SOE aren't the greatest devs in the world.
I just assumed that a Sony studio will have a stronger incentive of pushing the PS3 hardware and also have access to more insider knowledge to support that, than any 3rd part studio. I may be wrong, I don´t know.
GAF has a list of the features. Sounds interesting acutally but pulling it off is a whole different ballgame.


-- Become An Elite Agent: The Agency offers hundreds of unique missions

with varied end-goals requiring combat, stealth, and style. With

gameplay ranging from sneaky assassinations to all out assaults, from

vehicle challenges to casinos loaded with mini-games, there's

something for every aspiring agent.

-- Build Your Own Agency: As players advance through the ranks of their

faction, they'll also begin building their own Agencies. Players will

increase their power even further by creating Joint Agencies with


-- Mercenary or spy, the choice is yours: In the Agency, collect the

right weaponry, gadgets, vehicles, gear, attire and aliases to gain

access to various locales and influence over the people within them.

-- Put Operatives to work: Operatives are collectible non-player

characters who provide the goods players desire, the services to keep

them alive and allow them to concentrate on the mission at hand.

Operatives work 24/7, regardless of whether players are logged in, and

they can even keep them up-to-date through email and instant messages.

-- Fun Now, No Waiting: The Agency is not about waiting for the fun to

start. At any point, players can take a break from their high-flying

career to engage in a number of other activities. Veterans and new

players alike can take on other players at the card tables, the

shooting range, or in head-to-head combat.