Color me a bit skeptical on that. Especially if games start to use more and more of the SPE's potential, that doesn't leave much for skeletal tracking (no depth so only in 2 dimensions), advanced facial recognition, etc.
That said however, it wouldn't be a problem for Sony to limit its application to simpler/less graphics and physics demanding games.
Oh no, i wasnt suggesting PSMC could truly compete with natal as a controller-less interface, just that with clever advertising they could make it seem like it could do much of the same things. It could at least impact the initial perception as something radical and new and instead be seen more as an evolution or improvement of another product already on the market.
If anything simply bringing eyetoy back into the public eye may may have a small effect in reminding people that natal is an evolution of a current controller-less interface. We know that technically there is a huge differerence but with clever marketing from sony would the general public? Cost could also then play a part, if natal is expensive average joe may not find value in the percieved difference.
Not saying any of this will happen or that its likely, just that it could.
Sony has already taken tiny steps in this direction by pointing out the fact that they too can do voice and facial recognition and also some form of sketal tracking after natals reveal. Im sure they will try and emphasize these features in the coming months. We already have singstar and GT, two mass market products using these features.
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