Old Discussion Thread for all 3 motion controllers

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Is there a need to constantly recalibrate the M+ by pointing at the screen? I think thats what i saw in the Wii Sports Resort sword demo, a bit bothersome.
In Tiger Woods it's transparent, and works very well for the game. Whatever recalibration they do is behind the scene. I suppose they can do it when you point to pick up the disc for disc golf, or when you press "B" when you are ready to swing a club.

In GST, it's also done behind the scene. The instruction is whenever you feel like M+ isn't responding correctly, you hold the controller still for a couple of seconds.

So, we asked Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime at E3, what's the Vitality Sensor all about and why unveil it this way?

"We've been very clear that our objective is getting more and more consumers into this gaming industry we love," he said. "In our view, as we grow the consumer base, it will drive a vibrant, healthy industry. We've been able to get a certain number of consumers with Brain Age. We've been able to get more with Wii Fit. We're constantly thinking about what's the next innovation that will drive the consumer who, today, is still saying, 'I want nothing to do with video games,' to get into this industry and have a great experience. In our view, the Vitality Sensor and the software that will accompany it is a step down that path."

Fils-Aime said there are "some unique elements" not yet revealed about the sensor, details that may be revealed early this year. If not, then next year will hold the key. "The product is something we're anticipating to launch some time in 2010," he said.
They may be building a lie detector for a game of Truth or Dare. :devilish:
All men take cover !

Are you really that naive? Or do you mean that men should prepare to learn some hard truths about their women? ;)
Whelp, I know some "consumer grade" lie detectors flew off the shelf like crazy. But I think the take home point is: I know what my woman + a lie detector could do to me. For the rest of you out there, you watch your own backyard.
Whelp, I know some "consumer grade" lie detectors flew off the shelf like crazy. But I think the take home point is: I know what my woman + a lie detector could do to me. For the rest of you out there, you watch your own backyard.

You might not want to post that in plaintext on a public messageboard.
New interview with Shane Kim is available on Gamasutra
I'm currently reading thus I don't know if it adds something new.
Still not done reading but damned that guy should stop saying "you know, right?" :LOL:

An interesting bit
Kris Graft: If I could jump in before we get totally off Project Natal -- what is the third-party publishers' reaction been to it? A lot of them probably just officially found out about it this week, right?
SK: That's not true. Actually, we took it on the road a couple months ago to show our third-party partners.
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... something that capitalize on our inner feelings and behaviour may (or may not) be doable. Something like that Mantis trick in Metal Gear Solid. This time based on gaming data and vitality. e.g., Talking to in-game characters in a horror game, girl friend sim after a mini-sports game. :p

Unfortunately, the peripheral takes away one finger (essentially one hand). So it's only for a one Wiimote game (or multi-player in the living room)
Found some couple old threads, they're fun reading today.
Four years ago, we discussed much the same things as today, only relpace MS Natal with Sony EyeToy2 :)



Surprised Sony didn't get the attention in 2005 that Natal is getting today. Maybe they were a bit too ahead of their time.
Also suprised Sony hadn't patented it, so that Microsoft wouldn't have been able to copy them so blatantly.
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Some great links there rabdirabbit! :D Here's the original article link for that first one (found it in the thread of the second link):


If anything, it shows that Sony (and in particular Dr. Marks, obviously) has been working basically non-stop on this probably since the first EyeToy. It gives me some additional confidence for the quality of the up-coming PSMC.
True, at least not to the extent of Natal.
They did however demo some augmented reality stuff with PS3 Eye. Remember the LOD (ots Of Ducks) demo, where they interacted with the pool of water. That was neat! They should release it in PSN as a demo.
Well, kudos to MS for getting the message across in a way Sony didn't. There's no point having tech if you're not going to do something with it! I does also makje me wonder though, have developed Natal is? If Sony had something working like this, would they have shown more? If they haven't, why not? This feeds into my skepticism that Natal won't be as good as the promo stuff appears, a skepticism born in considerable part to Sony failing to deliver for years, and a skepticism which those new to these opportunities haven't had yet! Fingers crossed they never do and this time, we get a full set of natural interactive technologies.
I think that what have made Ms communication campaign pretty succesful is simply that they just didn't go to E3 with promises they let people ewperience the thing as it was working reasonably well their announcement has been succesful. Conf have been some many time filled with empty promises, Ms came with some strong facts as back up that's it imho.
True, they had a hands on, whereas Sony never had a hands-on of their AR like the water demo. Which may have been because the water demo was somewhat rigged. I recall the difference between motion and glass movement, as though he was following prerecorded moves. I'm not sure Sony actually had something to show beyond a hopeful promise.
Well, kudos to MS for getting the message across in a way Sony didn't. There's no point having tech if you're not going to do something with it! I does also makje me wonder though, have developed Natal is? If Sony had something working like this, would they have shown more? If they haven't, why not? This feeds into my skepticism that Natal won't be as good as the promo stuff appears, a skepticism born in considerable part to Sony failing to deliver for years, and a skepticism which those new to these opportunities haven't had yet! Fingers crossed they never do and this time, we get a full set of natural interactive technologies.

Yes, but did Sony basically push a company directive to all their in house/1st party devs to incorporate motion controls?

If MS are to be believed, they have basically told all their in house devs to incorprate it into projects currently being worked on and projects being planned.

So there appears to be a much larger push on the part of MS to make this work.

I can only assume that with 5 years of not much to show for it, that Sony didn't push as hard for the Eye Toy to become a common control mechanism.

Granted it's only lipservice so far that MS is claiming they are putting ALL their resources into Natal, but it gives me far more optimism for it than Eye Toy + Wand. In other words, will Eye Toy + Wand just be more unfullfilled potential? Or will it become a far more commonplace control mechanism than Eye Toy?

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