Okami... wow

Well... I finished Okami...

I was gonna post this last night straight after finishing it but something came up, then i started FF12 just to have a look...

Anyway, back to Okami... There's nothing more to say, other than this was the most amazing, most beautiful, sweetest, most wonderful videogame i have ever played in my entire life, and that includes Ico, SOTC, KH1/2 and all others.

Amazing. Heck i even started playing it again straight after just to see what extras i get, and that NEVER happens (i never really care about extras). I got to keep all the leveling up from the finished game, all the items and weapons! SWEET! Finishing it again will be a breeze this time ;)

One question, is there any point in going through the game again, wrt story? Will more of the story be told the second time around? Just so i know...
So you think I should get it then? ;)

Is it officially out in Europe or only on import?

It's not out here i'm afraid. But yes. Miss this and you can consider yourself less of a human being.

I mean, i even watched through the credits, cause it just looked so sweet.
I'm not sure just how many plusses you have to stick in front of "Okami" to properly convey its' excellence on an internet forum, but I'm damn sure it would break the horizontal scrolling.
I'm kinda afraid to go back to other more conventional RPG's at this point; I'm afraid FFXII may well have ruined them for me by effectively countering the tedium that is 90% of wandering around in those games, while still keeping the fun and tactical depth.

I should have played DQ8 months ago... Heh.
Picked Okami up over yesterday, and ordered FFXII Last Thursday (should be here this week).

Ended up playing Okami for around 8 hours and defeated the first real boss. Then played for another hour because I couldn't put it down. Great game, really feels like a Zelda game.

With the acquisition of Okami and FFXII that brings my total PS2 game library to 3.

But I've now got to finish these two games, and then I'll have a massive Zelda game to finish.... so long without enough games to play and now so many.... It's a good problem to have.

Finally beated the game yesterday. The game was simply awesome.

The only thing that i couldnt managed to get was all the straybeds. Still undecided about using one of my old saves to search for everything or use the +newgame.

Grande was beating my ass, i defeated him using the lame way, after 25 minutes trying to hit his weak points for massive damage i pulled up my cell phone and recorded it -_-

The game was definitely a masterpiece, and the ending was awesome even though i really hated the fact that the ending left the story wide open for sequels and there wont have any. Cant stop saying fuck you capcom. The same goes for the Viewtiful Joe trilogy, looks like we will never see the last game of the trilogy.

If anyone hasnt tried this game yet, its time to do so. It really deserves to be the game of the year.

BTW, i have a question. When you finish the game and inlock the secret theather, there is this video called "2004 TGS promo". In that video the game looks a whole lot better, Ammy had a lots of different moves, you interacted a whole lot more with the characters, the game was more colorful, had more vegetation, and in the last fights the video showed either the Framerate was insanely high or it had unbelievable animations since it looked too good to be true. Does anyone knows what the hell happenned? since the game looks too different from that video. Did they downgrade the game or was that video a FMV?
Grande was beating my ass, i defeated him using the lame way, after 25 minutes trying to hit his weak points for massive damage i pulled up my cell phone and recorded it -_-

I still can't beat Blockhead Grande, it's like impossible. And I don't want to resort to cheating, but man I've been at it for longer than I care to mention and I'm nowhere close to getting it. Plus it really pisses me off when I screw up the easy ones. Btw you have to get them in the same order right? Or am I just making it more complicated for the fun of it?
I still can't beat Blockhead Grande, it's like impossible. And I don't want to resort to cheating, but man I've been at it for longer than I care to mention and I'm nowhere close to getting it. Plus it really pisses me off when I screw up the easy ones. Btw you have to get them in the same order right? Or am I just making it more complicated for the fun of it?

I did it in the same order, but to be honest i dont really know if thats necessary. And regarding cheating on him, i gave up after being stuck on him for almost two hours. I was pissed, then i had an incoming call and that was when i decided to record him.