I would say it was a slip of the tongue. Just like some people call their computers "CPUs". Even the PS3 teraflop goal/"rough target", I believe, was based on total system (back when a modified CELL was thought to be the GPU). I find it VERY ironic that MS is playing right into the hype WE (=geeks) made! How many people were expecting 1TFLOPs systems and told everyone they knew? Now in one swift move MS has delivered. Does not even matter if they are theoretical numbers, or for the entire system, all these people talking up 1TFLOPs chips--MS could not miss the opportunity to cash in on it. We are the victim of our own expectations.
And while I do not discredit that the machines may have a TFLOP of total system power (pretty hard to discredit) theoretically--i.e. who knows what the real world numbers are on EITHER system, does it really matter? TFLOPs are the Polygons/sec arguement from 2 gens past. More poly/s are not going to make better games. We are no longer at the point where we are comparing a 300poly model with x,y,z effect to a 500poly model with x effect.
But we are going to have to endure a load of marketing hype for the next 18mo or longer, and everyone is going to argue over it. All I want to know is WHO is making WHAT games for what system--and what features are on those systems that I will enjoy. Unlike some, I do not enjoy playing with TFLOPs 8)
Yet, back on the quote, the easiest explaination is to look at what was officially said at GDC, and that was that the
system provides (most likely theoretically at that). The interview really looks like a slip of the tongue--unless they are counting everything as one processor since the GPU can write to the CPU cache.
Not that it matters. So far all we are hearing are theoretical numbers (which ironically tell us very little about the quality of the SOFTWARE we will have) and some of you are going to hate MS/Sony no matter what they say.
From this point on, EVERYTHING said from this point on is uber-Hype intended for the mass market. It will offend and alienate people on both sides on the fense, and those in the middle will laugh and say, "Uh, nice... so can we see the games yet?"
I just wish BF2 was a X2 launch title