Hi Davros again.
I really don't know what to run in software mode is. In FS98, and in all Flight Simulators I know (FS2000 and FS2004), I always seem to be running in Software Mode, as I can't see any option to run it under any other mode, so I guess I a m always running in Software Mode. Anyway, how would the other mode be called? (Maybe that could give me a hint).
Apart from that, the video sounds very interesting., but I don't know what changes I should do. Anyway, I'm learning and discovering things.
About the beginning of the problems, it's very interesting. I started FS98 in a very old computer, and it ran very slow there, so I didn't realize of these problems. But i don't know if it was because the issues didn't exist or because it ran so bad that I couldn't notice it
I really would like to check it again, knowing what I know, now, but I don't know where it is. I have to look for it in a messy room.
So I will write here about my findings.
Thanks for your support once more.