The PS3 has a hardware advantage?
When did this happen?
Oh cmon, we've been through this a million times. The PS3 has a CPU which is demonstratably, significantly faster
for a particular type of workloads, and a 7x larger media. This theoretically can be translated into games which pass the "granny test" vs. their 360 equivalents (as defined by Ageia a few years ago: if you show the two versions side by side to your grandmother, will she be able to recognize the better one?). We haven't seen such a game so far (nor heard of one), but many very smart people at Sony are working on the problem and will eventually come up with something.
Can you add more support on top of an already well-supported platform? Companies are seeking growth. The only thing that 3rd party developers can add as more support for 360 is 360 exclusivity, but I don't think 360 exclusive games will significantly increase in future. $50 million gave MS a GTA4 DLC, exclusivity costs more.
I think these $50 mln were a very good deal for Take Two, and normally exclusivity considerably less - but I have no first-hand experience in the matter. Say, if Ubisoft thinks they can sell 1 mln of AC PS3 for its full price lifetime, which seems about right to me, even slightly optimistic, $10-15 per copy mln should be enough to persuade them against making this version. Do you seriously think Sony paid that or more for Haze, for example?
If I had to guess, which I'm going to go ahead and do anyway, is that the reason COD4 sold better on the 360 compared to Assassin's Creed which was essentially a push, was due to the multi-player aspect.
If I understand correctly, there was a lot of PS3-specific AC advertising on TV in the US? With the Playstation logo at the end. I would take the COD4 ratio as "normal", and the AC ratio as exceptional due to co-marketing.
That would mean that either Assen's previous statement was correct and that most PS3 users also have a 360 and are therefore buying multi-player games on the 360 instead of the PS3, OR that 360 owners in general are more interested in multi-player games than they are in single player games.
I never said that. What I said is that a significant number of PS3 owners are "brand whores", who buy anything Sony. You know, the people who 5 years ago bought Mini-Disc walkmans and tried to convince everyone this is the future