NPD Nov. You know you want it!

yes next month is gonna be huge, in fact the whole year has been easily the biggest year ever (something like 30-40% growth), normal is a 5-10% growth


jan/feb/mar IMO are gonna be more interesting than dec, if the wii is still doing 600+k in those months then its gameover ms/sony, the best they can hope for is 2nd place
Bulk of console sales occur when price is $199 or lower.

Maybe this generation, that price might be $249.

Sony's going to have to hit that price no later than when MS hits that price (and I'm not talking about the crippled Core either).

If Wii wins this generation, it will be about price and gimmick.
Why do some people just refuse to believe Wii is actually a fun/good console to own? Wii wins because of price? No. The x360 basic pack has always been 300 dollars, only 50 more than wii but offering everything you want out of a HD console. Now you have the 360 arcade which is like 280dollar or so, only 30 more than wii. Yes initially the price might have done the wii good but at this point in time I dont think the Wii's price isnt such a advantage anymore, atleast I dont think its the reason it sells so good. Its the machine to own. I wont go into the gimmick part, thats just a useless insult.
Why do some people just refuse to believe Wii is actually a fun/good console to own? Wii wins because of price? No. The x360 basic pack has always been 300 dollars, only 50 more than wii but offering everything you want out of a HD console. Now you have the 360 arcade which is like 280dollar or so, only 30 more than wii. Yes initially the price might have done the wii good but at this point in time I dont think the Wii's price isnt such a advantage anymore, atleast I dont think its the reason it sells so good. Its the machine to own. I wont go into the gimmick part, thats just a useless insult.

Who says they do? Depending on what your purpose for the console is, it may or not be the best choice. The general perception is that hardcore gamers aren't buying it, don't want it(at least as their only console), so far the numbers seem to back that up.
If it's more than a gimmick, why aren't software sales keeping up with HW sales?

If it's more than a gimmick, why anecdotally do people stop playing it?

The first observation has something to do with the second.

Sony and MS to a lesser extent, played right into Nintendo's hands, pricing their consoles high. There are far more people who can afford or are willing to pay $249 than $400 or more.

This season, it looks like the Cabbage Patch phenomenon, with kids asking for Wiis and parents going to great lengths to get it.

Wii will probably continue to sell well. The Fit thing, another gimmick, will probably keep the hype going.
Those anecdotal arguments are kinda pointless. I haven't played my 360 since I played one hour of Bioshock at its launch. See, people do that with other consoles too.
Wii will probably continue to sell well. The Fit thing, another gimmick, will probably keep the hype going.
If Nintendo can keep rolling out those gimmicks and keeping the hype going, I don't they'll mind, nor that the NPD distribution will vary much from the current picture ;)
No they probably don't care.

Oh and there was another study saying women overwhelmingly preferred the Wii. Remember the jokes when the name was unveiled?

Chick flicks and Miatas are big successes, projecting a certain image, appealing to a certain demographic.

But for the sake of advancing technology and the art of making games, look elsewhere.

Now, Mario and all the other Nintendo stalwarts for the Wii may be masterpieces.

But Wii's initial success (and what continues to draw new buyers) is probably based on Wii Sports, which is a bit of trifling mediocrity in terms of gaming. It's really more of a gameplay mechanic demo than a fully realized game.
Well based on the attach ratio is not anecdotical.

Huh? I'm sorry but the Wii attach right is barely worse than the PS3's. You also much consider each Wii also has one game with it, so nearly every Wii has 5 games with it. That's not to bad...
The PS3's attach ratio is awful too, so saying it's "barely worse" than something awful is not exactly glowing with praise. The Wii is apparently the Wii Sports Player while the PS3 is the Blu Ray Player. In general terms.
The PS3's attach ratio is awful too, so saying it's "barely worse" than something awful is not exactly glowing with praise. The Wii is apparently the Wii Sports Player while the PS3 is the Blu Ray Player. In general terms.

Is it? Or just really bad compared to the Xbox 360s. I think I recently saw a post where both the PS3 and Wii were around 4 games, while the Xbox 360 was more like 6 or 7. 4 games per console in one year would be pretty decent to me.
Well, the competition's (Xbox 360's) attach rate after one year was 5.2. What are Wii and PS3 currently at, 3.7 or so? That's a 40% difference. If 5.2 is "good" then 40% less is probably not "pretty decent".
Well, the competition's (Xbox 360's) attach rate after one year was 5.2. What are Wii and PS3 currently at, 3.7 or so? That's a 40% difference. If 5.2 is "good" then 40% less is probably not "pretty decent".

Wasn't the Xbox 360 praised for its amazing attach rate then and now? My point is that in comparison to the 360's out standing attach rate the Wii and PS3 might look bad, but in reality they might just have perfectly normal attach rates yet people like to ignore that or use it as a chance to bash the Wii when it's really not right or even makes sense to.
Wasn't the Xbox 360 praised for its amazing attach rate then and now? My point is that in comparison to the 360's out standing attach rate the Wii and PS3 might look bad, but in reality they might just have perfectly normal attach rates yet people like to ignore that or use it as a chance to bash the Wii when it's really not right or even makes sense to.

Exactly!!! That's why PS3 hw isn't doing bad neither. It's just that Wii just make everyone look like they're not selling, but truth is all three systems are doing pretty good...some better than others, but clearly the market can support all three.
Exactly!!! That's why PS3 hw isn't doing bad neither. It's just that Wii just make everyone look like they're not selling, but truth is all three systems are doing pretty good...some better than others, but clearly the market can support all three.

Huh? I'm sorry but don't try rolling hardware sales into software attach ratio... PS3 sales are very poor no matter how you look at them. I seriously doubt anyone would say PS3 hardware sales are going pretty good and be able to pull it off with a straight face.
Huh? I'm sorry but don't try rolling hardware sales into software attach ratio... PS3 sales are very poor no matter how you look at them. I seriously doubt anyone would say PS3 hardware sales are going pretty good and be able to pull it off with a straight face.

What I'm suggesting is that the market can support all three consoles at different price levels. There's no arguing that PS3 is doing worse of the three. There's no arguing that PS3 will have an extremely hard time catching up to 360 within a year or two or three. But does it need to?

That PS3 can survive in its niche market (price level). It's just how you look at it. PS3 is not just a game console, and this is the point that Sony is trying to differentiate themselves from 360 and Wii.

At the rate PS3 is selling, I don't think it's impossible for them reach critical mass. Then it shouldn't matter if they're in 3rd or 2nd.
You do realize how console manufacturers typically make back their money, right? You must sale games and right now the absolute number of game sales isn't high enough for game developers of expensive (read: All modern games) games to make back their own investments. The other features of the PS3 are really not that important besides is Blu Ray playback which will only be good for so long (Blu Ray dies or Blu Ray players become very cheap). It's media center like functionality (which is highly limited) is also not going to sell it for long, especially considering its features are not much better than the competition. So I have no clue what you're trying to get at. It can't play the third role if it is that far behind the Xbox 360. Even then, it MUST sale games or it never become profitable.