Nokia's Present & Future

Apples stock drops after their announcements aswell (I believe since the 3GS) so that doesnt really mean anything in terms of potential future sales. That remains to be seen
They are okay , the 920 is interesting but I was hoping for more. Mabye the surface phone rumors are true and I get something more to my tastes.

Anyway we will see what happens , will be interesting to see what carriers its on
As for HDMI out, i suspect Micosoft wants to drive consumers towards Smart Glass and Xbox solution. But they did add support for wifi direct so buying an adapter for your TV should give you an Apple TV like experience. But that probably wont help if you are trying to connect it to a hotell room TV or a friends TV lol

Exactly my point. DLNA, Smart Glass and WiFi Direct is pretty much useless when I want to run content in a hotel's/friend's TV, which corresponds to every single time I've wanted to run content from my smartphone to anything else.

The hardware seems nice.

You really think so?
It seems like all they've been doing is recycling the N9 design over, and over, and overagain. Did Nokia run out of designers?
And honestly, the large bezel gives it somewhat of a 2010 feeling.

What happened to these?

Now there's something that might have shaken things up.
Another N9 recycled drawing is starting to feel boring.

In particular the camera and the high refresh rate screen. They moved to an IPS screen from an AMOLED screen, that'll save some power.

Wut? I don't know about size requirements, but I'm pretty sure AMOLED takes less juice, even more in WP8 with lots of black backgrounds.

The weight seems high, but the rest of the dimensions are comparable AFAICT.

That's the thing, it's really not comparable.. at 185g it's over 30% heavier than the ~140g average from the other superphones (and heavier than the Note II with its gigantic 5.5" screen and 3300mAh battery), and it's around 20% larger (in volume) than the competitors with larger screens, IPS or AMOLED:

And all of these have Micro-SD slots too (though they say the micro-sd inclusion would "defile the form", lulz@ artistoid excuse), plus except the EVO 4G all of these have larger batteries too.

Where did you get the 1/3 from ? Nokia claims light sensitivity of 5-10x that of normal cell phone sensors. That would indicate a largish sensor, which would explain why the 920 is 1.5mm thicker than the GS3.
(actually, it's over 2mm thicker)

It's in the phone's own specs over at Nokia's website.

It's 1/3" BSI, not much larger than all those 1/3.2" BSI in everything galaxies and iphones, so the camera sensor is definitely not the culprit here.
Maybe it's that gloves touch thingie?

Didn't you get the memo? Wireless is the future :D MS wants to push Smart Glass.

Yeah, and I want to push things up Microsoft's bottom for trying to push things into me by cutting on the features.
Instead, I'll just vote with my wallet and not buy their WP8 stuff.

You push things by providing an additional alternative that people will find better/easier to use, not by saying "oh, we've cut on that because we're trying to force you to adopt that other thing".
Unless you are apple, which Microsoft is not, nor Nokia.

Photos supposedly taken by the new Lumias were apparently faked.

This isn't (wasn't) Nokia at all.. Using that kind of undehanded tricks makes think the "PureView" branding in Lumia 920 is just a way to milk the franchise created by the 808 by just putting the label into a random product.

Of course, this is the general problem with WP. Tiles or not, it hasn't so far made a compelling case in UX to divert massive sales from iOS and Android phones. Why couldn't Elop see this fact?

UX is now negligible in comparison to the mass adoption of Android/iOS and their phone+tablet ecossystems.
There should have never been WP8, only Windows RT with phone functionality. Splitting between tablet/pc and phones may be the OS' ultimate demise.

And Elop sees nothing, he only does what he's told.
What happened to these?

Now there's something that might have shaken things up.
Another N9 recycled drawing is starting to feel boring.
I'd much rather have the 920 as designed than those. Different strokes I guess.

Wut? I don't know about size requirements, but I'm pretty sure AMOLED takes less juice, even more in WP8 with lots of black backgrounds.

Yeah, AMOLED uses less power when not displaying anything.

The single most important things to do to extend battery life on AMOLED phones is pick a black/dark background image and turn down the brightness.

The default screen on WP7/8 is loaded up with tiles, guaranteed not to be black.

That's the thing, it's really not comparable.. at 185g it's over 30% heavier than the ~140g average from the other superphones

The only thing I can think of that might add weight is the wireless charging. Qi uses induction, so the receiver is a planar coil. On top of that you'd need some shielding to avoid inducing currents in the innards of the phone.

The only thing I can think of that might add weight is the wireless charging. Qi uses induction, so the receiver is a planar coil. On top of that you'd need some shielding to avoid inducing currents in the innards of the phone.


The Lumia 900 was also pretty heavy in comparison to other phones with similar-sized screens. More than a third heavier than the SGS II, for example.

I can only assume that Nokia have decided that minimising the weight of these phones isn't of great importance.

I'm not in the market for a new phone but I don't think I'd consider buying one as heavy as the 920.
Adding to the "fattyness" is the fact that the whole camera module is "floating" inside the casing, allowing damn fine optical image stabilization, which also is what makes the camera so much better than the rest (the sensor is somewhat better, the stabilization allows them to keep the shutter open longer, gathering a LOT more light, making low-light shots incredible)

Hey, the 920 will probably deliver better pics and videos than most other phones. But they tried to pull a fast one and got busted.

Sigh, please don't start the same hell that's ravaging so many other forums here too.

Yes, they gave wrong impressions on the commercial, but that's how commercials always are, giving you better impressions than reality would allow.
All the official material are real, and not faked, the parts from commercial demonstrating what OIS does aren't taken with 920, and never actually claimed to be (you're only given the impression they are)
Everyone else does this too, they just don't get a hell like the risen from it.
ITs a comercial guys , do you really think siri responds to you perfectly in seconds and understands everything you say all the time.
ITs a comercial guys , do you really think siri responds to you perfectly in seconds and understands everything you say all the time.
Siri is a cute toy, but when it doesn't always work well in practice, it's not a big deal. It will get better over time and that is that.

The problem for Nokia is that people are ditching portable cameras left and right and replace them by phones, and that Nokia has somewhat of a reputation to defend in this area. (It's frankly their only real competitive advantage, IMO.) Faking it and making it so easy to see was plain stupid. It destroys years of a carefully built reputation. If they had simply done some additional post-processing on actual phone shot footage, nobody would have said a thing.
The Apple adverts do at least mention, "Sequences shortened", or somesuch nonsense.

I think the new Nokia adverts were being rather disingenuous, to say the least, but I'm more surprised how utterly ineptly the one purporting to show OIS video in action was filmed. You'd think somebody in pre or post-production might have thought about the obvious reflection showing the truck and camera?

The stills available also look pretty good for a cameraphone though, again, trying to pass off the well-lit professional shots as being from the 920 was not exactly genuine, either.

Ultimately, there looks to be some good innovation in the 920's camera so it's a pity that they've blundered so badly with their marketing. I do think that expanding the PureView moniker to encapsulate the 920 is rather lame, however, as the 808 and the 920 are two very different beasts.
All the shots taken on 920 have the note "Taken with Lumia 920 prototype", those are the only ones Nokia ever claimed to be with it, the rest is normal advertising/commercial stuff
All the shots taken on 920 have the note "Taken with Lumia 920 prototype", those are the only ones Nokia ever claimed to be with it, the rest is normal advertising/commercial stuff

The original "OIS ON" images released with the faked video were also faked and Nokia has now apologised for this.

I realise that there was no specific claim that these were taken with the 920 but if you're watching a promo video which purports to show the OIS of the 920 and some stills which are promoting the OIS of the 920, it's not too much of a stretch to think that this was the actual device used to take them. Very disingenuous at the very least.

The valid images linked elsewhere show that the low-light stuff is pretty good for a cameraphone (though I'm not convinced that the one with the girl leaning against the tree doesn't have some external lighting in the 920 shot...), so it seems a shame that they messed around in this manner. If your device is considerably better than your competitors in some areas, why try to claim it is even better than that?

I suppose that one possibility is that the 920 prototypes weren't available when the marketing blurb was being shot.

Comparisons with Apple's advertising practices aren't really accurate as Nokia don't have the famous Jobs reality distortion field available to them! :p
No, they're actually just showing what OIS does, and it's your interpretation that it's demonstrating 920's OIS (and yes, of course it's what they'd want people to think, but that's what commercials are supposed to do)

The girl doesn't have any external lighting, go check the park yourself ;)
Or read this

late edit:
"External lighting" meaning artifical, brought for the photoshoot by Nokia - obviously there's the park lights etc which are always there, but they're there for everyone
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The end of the whole story is Nokia being the butt of a joke when its camera comes up. It didn't have to be that way. The real pics on The Verge are impressive.

At least they go a lot of press around the paper launch of one of their phones. That didn't happen in a while. ;)
I dislike most of samsungs phone designs... To me they appear cheap and flimsy...

The 920 like the 900 appears to be sturdy. And scratch proof. Apparently the thickness of the 920 case is due to the inclusion of wireless charging kit inside the case.

I would like to see the thickness and weight of an s3 once you add an aftermarket wireless charge kit to it...

Unless Htc or MS themselves come out with something extraordinary the 920s features, design, cameras and screen are exactly what I'm looking for.
The Apple adverts do at least mention, "Sequences shortened", or somesuch nonsense.

Yes, they started to do that after steps to a class action lawsuit were initiated. Before - no such thing. While I applaud that companies should be held accountable for their ads, this shitstorm is too heavily laced with hypocrisy (esp. coming from sites like The Verge) for me to find it ok.
At least The Verge had the balls to admit that Lumia 920's camera is indeed so much better than the rest [in nighttime shooting at least] in their later, comparative article