Nokia's Present & Future

Edit, and I'm not making things up at all, it has been stated sever times across many news outlets that HTC, Samsung and the carriers are holding back till wp8...due in no small doubt the low end hardware of wp7, the up comming fragmentation that you mention and also the increased product quality/desirability of wp8 over v7.
Nokia were late too the wp7 party, you really need to keep up mate. ;)

I didnt say they werent holding back. They obviously are since Microsoft killed WP7. The part i disagreed with is you claiming "they will be putting all there efforts into it"

Even if that were true. Putting all your effort into it means 600k Lumia 900 sales, one of the biggest marketing pushes ever on AT&T with a very affordable price. Maybe the truth is simply that nobody wants Metro UI, its too weird and out there for people who have been seeing grid icons all there lives
I didnt say they werent holding back. They obviously are since Microsoft killed WP7. The part i disagreed with is you claiming "they will be putting all there efforts into it"

Even if that were true. Putting all your effort into it means 600k Lumia 900 sales, one of the biggest marketing pushes ever on AT&T with a very affordable price. Maybe the truth is simply that nobody wants Metro UI, its too weird and out there for people who have been seeing grid icons all there lives

Andriod had the biggest marketing push on T-mobile ever with the g1 and it didn't sell well at all. It wasn't until Verizon's biggest marketing push with the original droid that sales did anything.

I think many believe that windows needs to go from selling 600k to selling 10 million over night. Its not going to happen that way , MS is just going to keep increasing their market share slowly but surely perhaps at big launches like windows phone 8 they will jump foward faster. But it wont be an over night sucess . The iphone and andriod phones are to intrentched in the market at this point in time.
Well what I'm saying they were not putting All the effort into it they could have, because the hardware requirements were so low that it just couldn't stack up against a high end android or iPhone.

Although the wp brigade having been yelling at anyone who would listen "it's not processors and specs that people want"..the fact is wp7 was for most people poor value for money over a competitively priced android.

Wp8 will change that significantly.

I also don't think the metro ui was a problem, its refreshing, simple to use and different.
I just thought it would get a bit bland after a while in the same way apples boring square icons do...wp8 introduces some variety just enough to makenit looks like personalised, functional wall paper.
They have been running a wp 8 build on the lumia since it was announced.

Perhaps to be more accurate he should have said, "Lumia 900 won't be running WP8"?

This is the current situation as announced, I believe? The question is whether or not Microsoft let WP8 'leak' for Lumia 900. WP7 (and, I assume WP8) is pretty much locked down, isn't it?
So because Samsung is so successful, instead of pushing other Android vendors the carriers will push WP8 phones?

Yes, because pushing other Android vendors is now a loss making proposition.

And this can not be achieved by having lots of different android vendors?

At first, yes. Now? No. The public wants Samsung phones when it comes to Android. At least in the western markets. The last somewhat profitable Android phone maker that isn't Samsung is HTC, and they are rapidly bleeding marketshare to Samsung.

And this was happening when all Android phones were being pushed equally. Windows Phone going forward will be the only smartphone ecosystem where a carrier will have leverage against the phone makers as each maker attempts to be the next Samsung. Except with Windows Phone instead of Android.

You're mistaking system updates with ecossystem support.

Sure, just like the move from Win9x kernel to the WinNT kernel really screwed all of Microsofts Windows customers. Oh wait it didn't.

Just like with that transition, if developers want to support WP 7.5 devices with their apps and get additional sales, they will. If they don't they don't and people will move on.

And believe it or not, supporting your ecossystem is a LOT more important than giving you a stupid update that changes the UI's cosmetics and makes scrolling faster.

Yes, I'm sure she's happy to be stuck with a somewhat buggy and crash prone Android OS that noone has bothered to update and fix. And this from the largest Android phone maker on the planet. If it was a WP device, it would have been mandatory for the phone maker to allow the OS to update and hence fix those bugs and crashes as soon as Microsoft released a fix.

THAT is proper support of a phone ecosystem. Not this crap that Android currently is with each phone maker getting to decide whether they offer an update to and Android phone that is 1-4 years old.

Once Android starts acting more like iOS or Windows Phone, she might consider it again, but until then she doesn't plan on getting another Android phone. Right now she's trying to decide between an iOS device or taking a chance with WP8.

Except that WP8 isn't cheaper than Android. And it'll never be, because Android comes "for free" and WP8 does not.

The OS doesn't have to be cheaper for the phone to be cheaper. Samsung can start ramping up it's margins on Samsung phones now because they have the dominant position among Android phone makers due to public demand.

There is no established Windows Phone maker heading into WP8. Hence it is a wide open field for any phone manufacturer to becomes the next Samsung. It could be Samsung again (that Ativ is nice), or it could be HTC making a comeback, or it could be Nokia rising from the ashes, or LG, etc.

That's the point. Making an Android phone now is pointless unless you want to live in the budget phone arena taking the scraps that Samsung doesn't want. That's why phone makers and phone carriers want to push WP8 unlike the situation with WP7

Perhaps to be more accurate he should have said, "Lumia 900 won't be running WP8"?

This is the current situation as announced, I believe? The question is whether or not Microsoft let WP8 'leak' for Lumia 900. WP7 (and, I assume WP8) is pretty much locked down, isn't it?

Except the whole side thread was people claiming that the Lumia 900 can't run WP8 not that it won't be running WP8.

And them being dismissive of Function claiming that it was purely to do with setting a minimum bar of performance rather than the device not being able to run WP8.

As I mention can't run wp8 because of d3d 9.3 support.

If Nokia/Microsoft had made msm8960 mandatory for wp 7.5 handsets and 1gb ram..then yes it would have worked fine and we could have avoided this mess.
As I mention can't run wp8 because of d3d 9.3 support.

If Nokia/Microsoft had made msm8960 mandatory for wp 7.5 handsets and 1gb ram..then yes it would have worked fine and we could have avoided this mess.

what mess ? fan boys saying its a big deal to protect their own platforms ?

How many times does an andriod device go without updates . We have jelly bean out and the vast majority of devices are still on gingerbread and we still have new ICS phones coming out.

I rather MS make the break get flak for a few weeks and just be done with it. No one is going to car come Nov about the old phones. The nokia phones were all launched in budget terriotry and people should expect a budget life time frame vs a high end time frame.
Waiting for MSM8960 would have meant WP8 would have been 'out' before WP7.5 most likely.
what mess ? fan boys saying its a big deal to protect their own platforms ?

How many times does an andriod device go without updates . We have jelly bean out and the vast majority of devices are still on gingerbread and we still have new ICS phones coming out.

Usually manufacturers have several devices available that still DO get the newest updates when EOL messages are issued.

It's a mess for nokia because ALL of their currently available devices are affected. Again.
Usually manufacturers have several devices available that still DO get the newest updates when EOL messages are issued.

It's a mess for nokia because ALL of their currently available devices are affected. Again.

sometiemes , normaly the older phones get updates months after the newer ones. All companys try and drive customers to the newer devices. The lumia line will get up to 7.8
So what are the thoughts on the new Lumia line?

I'm a bit disappointed on the design and construction of their flagship, the 920.
It's really heavy, the bezel is too big and it's too thick compared to Android flagships with similar hardware.
I won't complain about the camera until I see actual results (it seems they were showing photoshopped pictures the entire time), but that 8.1MPx camera is tiny (1/3 I think?) and the battery isn't larger than Galaxy S III's, so why all the extra bulk?

Also, why not supporting HDMI out through MHL? It's one of those apple-like why-the-f*ck-isn't-it-in-there lack of features that creeps me out from windows phone.
So what are the thoughts on the new Lumia line?

I'm a bit disappointed on the design and construction of their flagship, the 920.
It's really heavy, the bezel is too big and it's too thick compared to Android flagships with similar hardware.
I won't complain about the camera until I see actual results (it seems they were showing photoshopped pictures the entire time), but that 8.1MPx camera is tiny (1/3 I think?) and the battery isn't larger than Galaxy S III's, so why all the extra bulk?

Also, why not supporting HDMI out through MHL? It's one of those apple-like why-the-f*ck-isn't-it-in-there lack of features that creeps me out from windows phone.

Extra bulk is probably because they switched from AMOLED to IPS LCD and using curved glass. Using in-cell technology like Apple is doing would probably have shaved some bulk but most likely not cost effective for Nokia right now

As for HDMI out, i suspect Micosoft wants to drive consumers towards Smart Glass and Xbox solution. But they did add support for wifi direct so buying an adapter for your TV should give you an Apple TV like experience. But that probably wont help if you are trying to connect it to a hotell room TV or a friends TV lol
So what are the thoughts on the new Lumia line?

The hardware seems nice. In particular the camera and the high refresh rate screen. They moved to an IPS screen from an AMOLED screen, that'll save some power. It'll be interesting to see how the IPS+ClearBlack stacks up in comparison to AMOLED in quality.

The S4 processor should bring browsing performance on par with top Android phones.

I'm a bit disappointed on the design and construction of their flagship, the 920.
It's really heavy, the bezel is too big and it's too thick compared to Android flagships with similar hardware.

The weight seems high, but the rest of the dimensions are comparable AFAICT.

I won't complain about the camera until I see actual results (it seems they were showing photoshopped pictures the entire time), but that 8.1MPx camera is tiny (1/3 I think?) and the battery isn't larger than Galaxy S III's, so why all the extra bulk?

Where did you get the 1/3 from ? Nokia claims light sensitivity of 5-10x that of normal cell phone sensors. That would indicate a largish sensor, which would explain why the 920 is 1.5mm thicker than the GS3.

Also, why not supporting HDMI out through MHL? It's one of those apple-like why-the-f*ck-isn't-it-in-there lack of features that creeps me out from windows phone.

Didn't you get the memo? Wireless is the future :D MS wants to push Smart Glass.

The hardware seems nice. In particular the camera and the high refresh rate screen. They moved to an IPS screen from an AMOLED screen, that'll save some power. It'll be interesting to see how the IPS+ClearBlack stacks up in comparison to AMOLED in quality.
I wonder if the high refresh rate won't increase power consumption.

The S4 processor should bring browsing performance on par with top Android phones.
We'll have to wait for reviews and benchmarks because quite often the browser makes a huge difference.
I think the 920 phone itself was very impressive, but the event felt quite amateurish and it was a pity that no info on dates and prices was given.
Nokia's already beleaguered stock tumbles another 13% as new Lumias fail to impress.

Aside from Nokia's move to dilute the Pureview brand, investors were also disappointed by Nokia's failure to provide pricing, release dates or announcements of new partnerships, like a widely anticipated Verizon push.
Photos supposedly taken by the new Lumias were apparently faked.

As for not announcing price and dates, speculation is that key parts of the WP8 software isn't ready, including possibly the SDK.

So this announcement may be an attempt to get their names out before the iPhone 5, even though these Lumias are likely to ship well after iPhone 5.

Didn't NOK run up before this announcement? The drop may simply be sell on the news, which isn't game changing in the way the original iPhone announcement was. Even if they announced prices and dates and a 41 Mp Pureview in an ultra thin form factor, it wasn't going to fundamentally redefine the product category and force the competition to scramble.

Of course, this is the general problem with WP. Tiles or not, it hasn't so far made a compelling case in UX to divert massive sales from iOS and Android phones. Why couldn't Elop see this fact?