Nokia's Present & Future

Nobody which is why CM9 doesn't have gapps in the rom You have to download it else where.

Lol yeah, you have to download it from google's own official webpage for free.
Such a hassle...
Lol yeah, you have to download it from google's own official webpage for free.
Such a hassle...

This doesn't change the fact that Android isn't "free" unless HTC, Samsung, LG etc want to preload their handsets with the stock UI and none of the Google services (Playstore, Gmaps, Gmail, Google Now etc..).
This doesn't change the fact that Android isn't "free" unless HTC, Samsung, LG etc want to preload their handsets with the stock UI and none of the Google services (Playstore, Gmaps, Gmail, Google Now etc..).

Still, I don't believe the gapps cost as much as WP8.
Android isn't free...far from it..aside from the patents and play store it also requires substantial software resources to "customise" (ruin) stock android, as well as many updates to the firmware just to get it running properly, never mind new official incremental Google updates.

No its not free but its something people buy. Nokia couldnt give away the Lumia 900 for free. Until that changes, nobody is going to jump ship

Also although wp8 is a new os with a big boy kernel, it's ludicrous to assume it needs anywhere near the same hardware performance as android..jelly bean solves the lag in part by upping the cpu clocks...does the job yes, but hardley as efficient as ui priority....I predict wp8 will run much smoother on comparatively feeble hardware.

Ludicrous? Jelly Bean can run on a 1 GHz Cortex A8 with 512 MB RAM. Microsoft claims they couldnt get WP8 to run on a 1,4 GHz 2nd gen Snapdragon. Wich one is bloated again?

That's not to mention the quite ridiculous hardware AND software fragmentation at nearly every level...complain all you want about wp7-8 upgrades...that was a one off and still nearly every wp7 phone in the world will get a world wide release of 7.8..which look identical..

The software fragmentation will be far worse on WP. Android was always fairly decent in terms of ability so developers can target 2.2 and avoid fragmentation. But WP was essentially a feature phone with no ability to run background APIs or native code, developers will be forced to target WP8 in almost all these apps

You can run Gingerbread and still play Nova 3. Good luck doing that on WP 7.8 this christmas
Ludicrous? Jelly Bean can run on a 1 GHz Cortex A8 with 512 MB RAM. Microsoft claims they couldnt get WP8 to run on a 1,4 GHz 2nd gen Snapdragon. Wich one is bloated again?

When did MS claim this?

Minimum platform specs can be set for all manner of reasons.
When did MS claim this?

Minimum platform specs can be set for all manner of reasons.

"Microsoft execs stated this no-upgrade policy officially on June 20 at its Windows Phone Summit in San Francisco. The "official" reason this won't happen is the Apollo release includes too many of the new Apollo features are hardware-related. They'll require multicore Windows Phones, with built-in NFC support and the new Windows Phone core (which is based on Windows, not Windows Embedded Compact) to work properly."

Considering its a PR disaster to abandon your user base (again) i seriously doubt they set a higher minimum platform spec for any other reason than not being able to make it work on the old specs
They aren't saying a 1.4 gHz processor couldn't handle the OS in that quote, just that they're defining the platform as having a certain set of features and certain level of performance.

While MS are creating a certain baseline for the system that breaks forward compatibility they might as well set some decent specs for memory and CPU too, as these will determine the limitations that all apps have to live with for years to come.

I'm glad that MS are aiming for a higher baseline that my 2010 model WP7, tbh.
No its not free but its something people buy. Nokia couldnt give away the Lumia 900 for free. Until that changes, nobody is going to jump ship

Ludicrous? Jelly Bean can run on a 1 GHz Cortex A8 with 512 MB RAM. Microsoft claims they couldnt get WP8 to run on a 1,4 GHz 2nd gen Snapdragon. Wich one is bloated again?

The software fragmentation will be far worse on WP. Android was always fairly decent in terms of ability so developers can target 2.2 and avoid fragmentation. But WP was essentially a feature phone with no ability to run background APIs or native code, developers will be forced to target WP8 in almost all these apps

You can run Gingerbread and still play Nova 3. Good luck doing that on WP 7.8 this christmas

Are you seriously trying to pass off wp as having more fragmentation than android??..get with it mate ;/

Wp8 is what everyone's been holding back for..carriers, Samsung, terms of putting all there effort into it.
Nokia came into the wp party late and still put out respectable phones.

Hardware: as stated above, minimal hardware requirements can be determined by many things, if you are starting from scratch with os, it makes sense to use reasonably ambitious specs so all wp8 apps with have access to all that power.
The real reason the lumia 900 isn't supported is because of the shared w8 kernel, which standardizes on Dx9.3...snapdragons lower than msm 8960 (s3) don't support that feature set...still sucks but you can understand it somewhat.

That has no bearing on whether wp8 will be decent or not though, as it has access to all wp7 apps.

STOCK Jelly bean runs on 1ghz cortex a8 with 512mb ram correct, I just checked out a vid and it works very well indeed, has got my hopes up for my galaxy s3... although that is sans ui skinning bloatware.

However wp7 runs like butter on on much much weaker hardware....I'm talking Nokia 610 with a single cortex A5 @800mhz, 256mb ram, and a puny adreno 200...would jellybean run smooth on that?? Don't think so.!

That's symbian like efficiency...Maybe better even.
They aren't saying a 1.4 gHz processor couldn't handle the OS in that quote, just that they're defining the platform as having a certain set of features and certain level of performance.

While MS are creating a certain baseline for the system that breaks forward compatibility they might as well set some decent specs for memory and CPU too, as these will determine the limitations that all apps have to live with for years to come.

I'm glad that MS are aiming for a higher baseline that my 2010 model WP7, tbh.

Thats a nice spin on it lol
french toast, you're still running touchwhiz on that GS3?
Shame on you! You should at least be running CM9 ;)
Are you seriously trying to pass off wp as having more fragmentation than android??..get with it mate ;/

Yes i consider not being able to download new apps as serious fragmentation. Giving me a new UI is bollocks. You can download Jelly Bean theme on the playstore, i guess this means Google is supporting the platform by your logic

Wp8 is what everyone's been holding back for..carriers, Samsung, terms of putting all there effort into it.
Nokia came into the wp party late and still put out respectable phones.

Now you are just making things up

Hardware: as stated above, minimal hardware requirements can be determined by many things, if you are starting from scratch with os, it makes sense to use reasonably ambitious specs so all wp8 apps with have access to all that power.
The real reason the lumia 900 isn't supported is because of the shared w8 kernel, which standardizes on Dx9.3...snapdragons lower than msm 8960 (s3) don't support that feature set...still sucks but you can understand it somewhat.

Yes im sure someone who bought a Lumia 900 a few months ago when it was advertised as a flaship can understand he wont be able to run a large majority of new apps this year

french toast;1663091That has no bearing on whether wp8 will be decent or not though said:
The issue is that WP7 wont be able to run all WP8 apps. Thats fragmentation

STOCK Jelly bean runs on 1ghz cortex a8 with 512mb ram correct, I just checked out a vid and it works very well indeed, has got my hopes up for my galaxy s3... although that is sans ui skinning bloatware.

However wp7 runs like butter on on much much weaker hardware....I'm talking Nokia 610 with a single cortex A5 @800mhz, 256mb ram, and a puny adreno 200...would jellybean run smooth on that?? Don't think so.!

That's symbian like efficiency...Maybe better even.

Thats because WP7 is essentially a feature phone. Its easy to be smooth when multitasking is the worst and it lacks features its competitors have

Here is the thing.. Android will eventually be as smooth because of hardware advances and software improvements. WP8 however will always be closed. Now wether this is good or bad is another issue but the thing is it doesnt offer you anything new to the table compared to the iPhone wich is something customers WANT, not something they have to be sold on and begged to purchase

And im sure people will respond with a bunch of MS apps as wanted features but if they mattered, WP7 would be a success, they dont
I never said the move from 7.5-8 is not a form of fragmentation,it is and yes it would suck to own a lumia 900.

But that's not the point, android is f*cking awfull at fragmentation even down to certain soc manufacturers developing games/apps/app stores for their specific chips, therefore opening up the comical situation of identical branded phones..not able to play the same games depending where you live.
Don't get me started on the ice cream sandwich install base of 8% with jellybean here and gingerbread phones still launching!! f -Nuts.

Microsoft updates most of its phones the world over within a couple of weeks of new os launch... yes wp8 won't be available as an update..harsh, but they will get 7.8 launched with the same kind of efficiency.

Wp7.5 is not a feature phone, although I do agree it is limited on some things that I would miss from my galaxy s3, wp8 certainly will not be any kind of feature phone...the apps created for that will blow android away due to the minimal hardware specs and the shared w8 software stack/tools.

Android will improve, I'm personally looking forward to jellybean and appreciate android for offering a computer like experience, but wp offers its own unique experience somewhere inbetween itself and apple.

Edit, and I'm not making things up at all, it has been stated sever times across many news outlets that HTC, Samsung and the carriers are holding back till wp8...due in no small doubt the low end hardware of wp7, the up comming fragmentation that you mention and also the increased product quality/desirability of wp8 over v7.
Nokia were late too the wp7 party, you really need to keep up mate. ;)
Ha ha yes I should hang my head in shame! went for it, what's it like?...

I ran a Jelly Bean ROM on it for a couple weeks and really liked it, but there was a memory leak issue with that one so that meant rebooting twice per day (which wasn't a huge hassle since it takes less than 25 seconds). Now I'm running the latest CM9 with a JB theme and anxious for CM10 to be done :)

I would say that TouchWhiz has some neat features, but I don't miss its clunkiness...
Awesome, is CM9 buggy? much faster was jellybean compared to touchwhizz?

JB (I used the SuperNexus ROM which is VERY good) and CM9 are both WAY faster than Touchwhizz for normal device use. CM9 is not buggy...the camera app isn't as good as stock (a bit of lag), but the interface is super clean. I do miss Google Now from Jelly Bean, however...might have to go Jelly Bean again :)
Uh...Lumia 900 can't run WP8

All we know is that it won't be doing, it doesn't mean the CPU isn't fast enough to handle the OS. If WP8 does require a dual core 1.5 gHz CPU just to run then battery life and games are both going to be pretty shitty.

Making every device conform to a feature set and level of performance will give WP8 a chance to impress people. IMO the last thing MS need is something that feels no faster than their 2 year old devices. They might as well pack up and go home if WP8 doesn't impress across the board.

Thats a nice spin on it lol

Contact list on WP8 is so processor intensive it needs two CPUs! lol.