Nokia's Present & Future

Why should I purchase a Nokia smartphone ever again? So that Microsoft ditches WP8 half a year later, claiming that WP9 is the real thing and WP8 can't have WP9 apps?

Assuming WP8 is based on the WinRT core then it won't matter if MS drops WP8 for WP9 because WP9 will be backwards compatible with WP8.

In other words, exactly the same as all Android or iPhone phones going forward from WP8. I'm not sure what's so bad or hard to understand about that. Actually chances are it'll be better than Android as they are likely to get more updates during the phones lifetime than the vast majority of Android phones. My girlfriend's Samsung Android phone (can't remember which model but it's an older one) has gotten exactly one update. Hell, WP7 phones have gotten more updates than her Android phone. So I guess by your reasoning. Why should she ever buy an Android phone again? :p

So why didnt they back WP7?

Carriers were busy pushing Android phone. And there were a multitude of Android phones to push, hence an ability to get a better deal by leveraging the fact that they could sell other Android phones.

However, with Samsung being the dominant player now by a vast vast amount carriers don't have as much leverage to lower the purchase price and thus increase their profits. And they don't have a choice as to whether to sell a Samsung Android phone or not. To not sell a Samsung Android phone would be purposely handicapping themselves compared to their competition. At least in the western countries.

So now there's not as much opportunity to push Android phones at favorable carrier bulk purchasing prices, so it's on to the next thing that might work...

That's why you see AT&T, Verizon, and many other US phone companies talking up wanting to push Windows Phone. MS and WP8 makers will have to set carrier friendly pricing in order to gain marketshare. That in turn means that carriers have a much larger profit potential versus pushing an iPhone (there's some analysts that think Verizon still hasn't made much if any money selling iPhones) or a Samsung Android phone.

Windows Phone is at the point where Android phone was when carriers were avidly pushing it. It's the cheaper alternative to the entrenched smartphones with no established WP8 manufacturer. Which means it starts cheap, and a good sales team can attempt to negotiate even more favorable purchase prices.

Add to that, WP8 has had more developement time and ability to leverage things learned from WP7. Which means a more robust and feature rich phone compared to WP7. And more importantly it'll compare far more favorably in features to the competition than WP7 did.

It also won't hurt that MS will likely have a large marketing push and that the phone coverage in the media will likely be quite positive.

The N9 was absolutely adored by every single reviewer, won several awards for UI and design, it actually sold better than the Lumias during a quarter despite its stupidly high price and scarce availability.
It had no Microsoft behind it, no marketing money, no developer support, Elop said it wouldn't get any sequels despite its success... and it sold almost as much as all the Lumias combined for two quarters.

This bullshit from Tomi Ahonen dosent get anymore true no matter how many times it gets repeated. N9 does not even register on internet usage in Finland where N9 had free reign over Windows Phone models for months and all of 2011 holiday season. N9 sold at most few hundred thounsand worldwide and was half the price just few months after launch

Meego was truly DOA and Jolla Mobile is hopeless before launch.In the 1% chance of success launching a new mobile platform with zero patent protection must be a sick joke..

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The money apple takes home from iPhone is very much indeed...the carriers don't like being bent over a barrell...they would quite like the benefit of a third eco system.

Watch and find out.

So carriers do not like Apple's dominant position, and therefore they desire a third eco system? I don't get it....
So carriers do not like Apple's dominant position, and therefore they desire a third eco system? I don't get it....

Competition pushes prices them bargaining power over apple if they don't have to rely on them for all the sales..come on keep up. :/
Carriers were busy pushing Android phone. And there were a multitude of Android phones to push, hence an ability to get a better deal by leveraging the fact that they could sell other Android phones.

However, with Samsung being the dominant player now by a vast vast amount carriers don't have as much leverage to lower the purchase price and thus increase their profits. And they don't have a choice as to whether to sell a Samsung Android phone or not. To not sell a Samsung Android phone would be purposely handicapping themselves compared to their competition. At least in the western countries.

So because Samsung is so successful, instead of pushing other Android vendors the carriers will push WP8 phones?
Watch and find out..I guarantee there will be a huge carrier push not seen on wp7...mainly because I think carriers would have a 2 year Microsoft road map and knew right from day one wp7 was a dead horse.
MS has had repeated failures ? Didn't windows mobile have a sizable chunk of the market pre touch screen days ? So far they only launched windows phone 7.x and even that is growing in market size.
MS has had repeated failures ? Didn't windows mobile have a sizable chunk of the market pre touch screen days ? So far they only launched windows phone 7.x and even that is growing in market size.

I think you missed a few historical Microsoft mobile initiatives, like Windows CE, Pocket PC, the Stinger Smartphone 2002, The Tablet PC, Smart Displays, Project Origami, the Zune, the Kin, the Courier, Microsoft Office Mobile for Symbian, Windows Mobile (various iterations) and Windows Phone 7, but that's understandable because really very few people ever bought into them, and the ones who did are trying to forget.

Just like pretty much any company who has ever partnered with them, really.
They were giving away the Lumias in the US. Did it make a dent? I believe Android and iOS increased shipments this year.
I think you missed a few historical Microsoft mobile initiatives, like Windows CE, Pocket PC, the Stinger Smartphone 2002, The Tablet PC, Smart Displays, Project Origami, the Zune, the Kin, the Courier, Microsoft Office Mobile for Symbian, Windows Mobile (various iterations) and Windows Phone 7, but that's understandable because really very few people ever bought into them, and the ones who did are trying to forget.

Just like pretty much any company who has ever partnered with them, really.

Of the things mentioned... Courier never existed...the zune was an iPod competitor and won because of iTunes... The Zune hardware and interface is better, the tablet pc is back as the surface pro, smart displays is now the Smartglass initiative centered on Xbox...
Of the things mentioned... Courier never existed...the zune was an iPod competitor and won because of iTunes... The Zune hardware and interface is better, the tablet pc is back as the surface pro, smart displays is now the Smartglass initiative centered on Xbox...

Okay, so would you say that these initiatives were in fact not failures?
Assuming WP8 is based on the WinRT core then it won't matter if MS drops WP8 for WP9 because WP9 will be backwards compatible with WP8.

In other words, exactly the same as all Android or iPhone phones going forward from WP8. I'm not sure what's so bad or hard to understand about that. Actually chances are it'll be better than Android as they are likely to get more updates during the phones lifetime than the vast majority of Android phones. My girlfriend's Samsung Android phone (can't remember which model but it's an older one) has gotten exactly one update. Hell, WP7 phones have gotten more updates than her Android phone. So I guess by your reasoning. Why should she ever buy an Android phone again? :p

You're mistaking system updates with ecossystem support.

I don't complain about system updates in my N8. Since I bought the smartphone, I got something like 5 updates, and two of them (Anna and then Belle) were major updates with substantial performance, functional and cosmetic increments.

No, I'm talking about ecossystem.
Your wife should buy an Android again (samsung or whatever) because Eric Schmidt didn't come out on public saying that Android is absolute crap and everyone should change to iphones, causing a nearly instant mass desertion of developers and carriers.

Eric Schmidt would only do that if he was actively trying to destroy Google as a brand in order to sell it to Apple in exchange of peanuts a couple of years later.

Your wife should still purchase an Android because I'm pretty sure that 99% of the apps in Google Play support her device (unless it's one of those with an ultra-crappy 320*240 screen) and will continue to do so for a very long time.

I don't have newer or even older apps. In fact, when I want something more specific (for example? a goddam FLAC/APE player) I end up trying to dig one of those VERY OLD Symbian S60 apps that sorta works in a buggish way.

And why? Because Elop pretty much shat on me a month after I bought a Nokia phone and everyone who bought a Symbian^3. The burning platforms memo + WP announcement blew away all Qt development that was happening for Symbian^3, which started 4 months prior to that.

So yeah, I'm angry that Nokia treated me as garbage by actively killing my smartphone's ecossystem, so I'll be very reluctant in purchasing something from them ever again.
The company already fooled me once when they said, in Q4 2010, that they would be following their Qt strategy. They lied.

And believe it or not, supporting your ecossystem is a LOT more important than giving you a stupid update that changes the UI's cosmetics and makes scrolling faster.

Windows Phone is at the point where Android phone was when carriers were avidly pushing it. It's the cheaper alternative to the entrenched smartphones with no established WP8 manufacturer. Which means it starts cheap, and a good sales team can attempt to negotiate even more favorable purchase prices.

Except that WP8 isn't cheaper than Android. And it'll never be, because Android comes "for free" and WP8 does not.
And WP8 forbids UI differentiation, and requires powerful hardware, and it's still lacking in features compared to Android.

Yes, there are good points to WP8, but there are bad ones too. Especially when you compare it to Android.

Add to that, WP8 has had more developement time and ability to leverage things learned from WP7. Which means a more robust and feature rich phone compared to WP7. And more importantly it'll compare far more favorably in features to the competition than WP7 did.

More feature-rich than WP7?
Well that wasn't very hard from the start, was it?

Seriously? You're denying the public disclosures of Microsoft cash infusions?

Lol check the date on that post.
There were no "public disclosures of Microsoft cash infusions" back then.
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Except that WP8 isn't cheaper than Android. And it'll never be, because Android comes "for free" and WP8 does not.
And WP8 forbids UI differentiation, and requires powerful hardware, and it's still lacking in features compared to Android.

Yes, there are good points to WP8, but there are bad ones too. Especially when you compare it to Android.

Ask Samsung how free Andriod is .

Aside from that , you still have to pay google if you want their play store or maps or other google software on your andriod device.
Android isn't free...far from it..aside from the patents and play store it also requires substantial software resources to "customise" (ruin) stock android, as well as many updates to the firmware just to get it running properly, never mind new official incremental Google updates.

Also although wp8 is a new os with a big boy kernel, it's ludicrous to assume it needs anywhere near the same hardware performance as android..jelly bean solves the lag in part by upping the cpu clocks...does the job yes, but hardley as efficient as ui priority....I predict wp8 will run much smoother on comparatively feeble hardware.

That's not to mention the quite ridiculous hardware AND software fragmentation at nearly every level...complain all you want about wp7-8 upgrades...that was a one off and still nearly every wp7 phone in the world will get a world wide release of 7.8..which look identical..

So whilst I personally have and love my galaxy s3...I also appreciate it isn't perfect and that wp8 might well be a better option..for some people.
Uh...who is paying them for having these on CM9 HP Touchpads again?

Nobody which is why CM9 doesn't have gapps in the rom You have to download it else where.

CM used to have it in the rom but they got a letter from google .

Google charges for the app store , which is why the buget tablets don't have playstore on them