Nokia's Present & Future

Don't you have to actually tap a few times to let it update?

At least agre to some EULA?

Apparently, HTC made sure that you don't.
I think it was something like 55MB, 2 years ago.
Whether it is good for Nokia is irrelevant.

The patent troll that is buying the patents has an ongoing suit against Google, and Elop's boss sees Google as his biggest competitor.
I have a friend who went with me to te Dominican Republic during holidays.

When we got back, he had a 1300€ data bill to play.
Although he never actually used any data, his HTC Flyer decided it was a good opportunity to do an OTA update.

This is weird cause by default android will cut data connections while roaming and HTC will always tell you there is an update, than you have to agree and than it will tell you you might want to use wifi as there could be extra costs involved downloading by 3g. I'm pretty sure your friend must have allowed the update, or alteast change some settings because by default there won't be data on roaming or unotified updating.
It seems there might be a list of shareholders' signatures coming up to fire Elop.

As I said before, I think the whole BoD should go down, since they're all into this.
The ones that weren't, have left the company already, seemingly replaced by (not-so-)ex-microsoft employees.

Since they've started to milk the company to the point of selling the patents, I'd say microsoft's trojan project was already a huge success.
I have huge doubts that changing the CEO now would stop the company from a Microsoft takeover or an eventual bankrupcy.
Yo have you got a linky? Can't find it in regular news.

Sorry, I don't know how I missed that:

The original source is an article from a finnish business magazine called Kaupalehti. I think we can only read the whole article if we get a subscription, but the abstract tells the essential:
(in finngooglish)
"Nokia disgusted savers - Elop separated

Nokia's difficulties and the people share the collapse inflame Shareholders Federation membership. Members have called for his alliance with masinoimaan Nokia's extraordinary general meeting be convened. Shareholders Federation chairman Timo Rothovius writes a member of the municipal requirements as a Wise Money magazine column (6/12). According to him, a member of the municipality that flowed from the feedback message has been clear : Nokia's strategy is wrong and it needs to be changed. "

Tomi Ahonen says there's been some extraordinary shareholders meetings for discussing either he should go or not.
Sh*t. Looks like the walls are closing on's been total suicide the way he went about it, even if wp8 eventually takes off (I think it will) he has asset stripped Nokia to fund this unnecessary one way race to Microsoft.

The plan was already in place when he arrived...most of the hard engineering work done, even if he saw a future in Microsoft, he should have kept the sound plan and edged wp in for some kind of media/us centric device until customers wanted more.

I think he should get the sack regardless....totally reckless.
Sorry, I don't know how I missed that:

The original source is an article from a finnish business magazine called Kaupalehti. I think we can only read the whole article if we get a subscription, but the abstract tells the essential:
(in finngooglish)

Tomi Ahonen says there's been some extraordinary shareholders meetings for discussing either he should go or not.

That is only a few annoyed small minority shareholders waving their retarded hands. Not newsworthy and wont lead to any sort of action whatsoever, meanwhile some of the larger pension funds over here have started to buy Nokia again. Things are looking better everyday.
That is only a few annoyed small minority shareholders waving their retarded hands. Not newsworthy and wont lead to any sort of action whatsoever, meanwhile some of the larger pension funds over here have started to buy Nokia again. Things are looking better everyday.

Lol. Sure. Watch out Apple and Google, here comes Nokia!

How much cash does Nokia have left again? :)
Lol. Sure. Watch out Apple and Google, here comes Nokia!

How much cash does Nokia have left again? :)

Total cash and other liquid assets Q2/2012 9.418B€ (Q2/2011, 9.358B€)

Net cash and other liquid assets Q2/2012 4.197B€ (Q2/2011, 3.891B€)

Enough to carry them through the transition period that is almost done. They've done major cost cutting, that will show on their future reports. They still ship a shit ton of phones, have a large turnover and WP8 is just around the corner, which is imo guaranteed to make an impact.

First thing is to turn the company profitable again and even though Q3 still won't be, it'll soon happen. The company is starting to be in a good position for the future, even if challenging Apple and Samsung at the top end is going to be a long and tall order.
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They still ship a shit ton of phones, have a large turnover and WP8 is just around the corner, which is imo guaranteed to make an impact.

They still ship a shit ton of what?

And your opinion is based on..?
Lumia+WP7's groundbreaking failure, Microsoft's history of repeated shots in the foot regarding every thing they did on the mobile market, Nokia's current and terrible carrier relations or the fact that very, very few people care about Nokia as a brand nowadays?

I bought a N8 in January 2011. Nokia's CEO actively killed all 3rd party development for Symbian in less than a month after that and I was left with a "smartphone platform" that stopped in time and never got any new apps or games.

Why should I purchase a Nokia smartphone ever again? So that Microsoft ditches WP8 half a year later, claiming that WP9 is the real thing and WP8 can't have WP9 apps?

I'll rather go with Android, thanks. At least I step into an ecossystem that is actually sure to survive for more than a couple of months.

Yeah WP8 does sound good but technical gibber aside, I have zero trust on Nokia and Microsoft on how they'll support this ecossystem.

BTW, selling your house+car in order to keep a bank account of $20 000 doesn't mean you're okay.
From now on, you'll have to take a taxi to go everywhere and sleep in a hotel room. Let's see how fast those $20 000 get spent from now on.
They still ship a shit ton of what?


And your opinion is based on..?
Lumia+WP7's groundbreaking failure, Microsoft's history of repeated shots in the foot regarding every thing they did on the mobile market, Nokia's current and terrible carrier relations or the fact that very, very few people care about Nokia as a brand nowadays?

Lumia is not doing so bad considering the handicaps it shipped with. Nokia was late on WP7 with their Lumia's, with outdated hardware, small ecosystem in the beginning, looming new models and very strong established competition. The sales volume is not that bad if you take these into consideration. The current volume is a good stepping stone to WP8 and becoming profitable company again.

Why should I purchase a Nokia smartphone ever again? So that Microsoft ditches WP8 half a year later, claiming that WP9 is the real thing and WP8 can't have WP9 apps?

I'll rather go with Android, thanks. At least I step into an ecossystem that is actually sure to survive for more than a couple of months.

Yeah WP8 does sound good but technical gibber aside, I have zero trust on Nokia and Microsoft on how they'll support this ecossystem.

Nokia came in late to WP7, they'll be in WP8 at the beginning, pretty much guaranteeing longer support for it.

BTW, selling your house+car in order to keep a bank account of $20 000 doesn't mean you're okay.
From now on, you'll have to take a taxi to go everywhere and sleep in a hotel room. Let's see how fast those $20 000 get spent from now on.

If the Taxi in far east is cheaper than running your own car and your house has serious water damage it might be better to relocate.

They have seriously trimmed down their costs and the annual turnover is still high. It's not a magic trick to make that equation profitable even if it takes a long time for them to challenge the two power players in smartphone volumes or even if they never will.
I quite like the defence lines being down up here, polar opposites...which is great because I sit right in the middle of you both.

I think elop cut too hard too fast...he went on an austerity overdrive and fast track to wp....I think he put the company at risk when there was need...he could have moved slower and played safe...proof of this still resonates today....Nokia asha...symbian 40 phones have actually INCREASED sales year on year for feature phones for Nokia...making them the big player all over the is true they had to cut margins to bring prices down..but that statistic is still relevant non the less....

It's not all bad for Nokia, most of the pain is gone, in wp8 they have a competitive high end product that is substantially different and interesting enough to stick out from the crowd, they have priority and a major say on that platform which is also a plus...

The carriers will be all over Nokia for wp8....they still have very strong ties the world over, remember it isn't all about USA.
carriers are desperate for a solid third eco system to drove competition and give them valuable bargaining has them nailed round the floor boards..they don't like they will push wp all the way now they know wp8 will be a product worth backing.
The carriers will be all over Nokia for wp8....they still have very strong ties the world over, remember it isn't all about USA.
carriers are desperate for a solid third eco system to drove competition and give them valuable bargaining has them nailed round the floor boards..they don't like they will push wp all the way now they know wp8 will be a product worth backing.

Why would the carriers give a shit about a third ecosystem? Especially one that backs what the carriers hate most (which is Skype).
Skype is already functioning on all other systems...what's groundbreaking about wp ? It will still be an add on with maybe a few perks over android and ios, but certainly not that much different.

The money apple takes home from iPhone is very much indeed...the carriers don't like being bent over a barrell...they would quite like the benefit of a third eco system.

Watch and find out.
Skype is already functioning on all other systems...what's groundbreaking about wp ? It will still be an add on with maybe a few perks over android and ios, but certainly not that much different.

The money apple takes home from iPhone is very much indeed...the carriers don't like being bent over a barrell...they would quite like the benefit of a third eco system.

Watch and find out.

So why didnt they back WP7?