So... tell me...
If a game doesn´t allow flying because the lowest common denominator has no HDD speed for the streaming, how do you add flying in the upper end machines??
If a IA model cannot be run on the CPU of the lowest common denominator, forcing to use a simpler one, do you improve IA on the upper end machines?
How do you do this, and still call it the same game?
What you are talking is about detail levels, efects and others... not gaming design, gaming experience, and gaming evolution. On these, a lower specs machine will limit you!
The extra speed that SSDs will allow for...
- Instant access with existing detail.
- Similar access with much greater detail.
- Similar streaming with much greater detail.
- Various combinations of speed versus detail tradeoffs that developers feel appropriate for their game.
The only thing it allows for is greater detail, faster speed with similar detail or a spectrum between those two points.
Flying has been possible on devices since the 1980's and even earlier. MS Flight Simulator came out in 1982.
The only thing that has changed when it comes to flying in games is how much detail is available. There are obviously gameplay elements that didn't exist back then but there isn't very much that you can do now that you couldn't do back then that is GAMEPLAY related. Now, there are certainly things that are GRAPHICS or presentation related that obviously weren't possible back then.
Hell, even something like Open World games have only progressed in detail, but not much in gameplay. The Elder Scrolls: Arena released in 1994. Everything Bethesda has done has just been a graphical evolution of that while polishing some gameplay elements while also reducing the scope of the games. Skyrim could have been done in 1994...with 1994 level graphics.
Sure they also beefed up things like Physics. But that's presentation, you could do the same gameplay with static animations as well or rougher physics approximations depending on what your hardware was capable of.
[EDIT] - I forgot to mention that Daggerfall also had an accelerated travel system that allowed you to travel across the existing world at greatly accelerated speed. You know, kind of like Sony showcasing greatly accelerated travel in their storage speed demos. Morrowind had exploits that would allow you to do something similar there as well.
Assassins Creed could have been done in the 90's. Thief: The Dark Project (1998) is largely similar albeit with a different focus (sneaky theft instead of sneaky assassinations). Reduce the graphics further from what Thief had and you could have done it in an open Daggerfall (1996). Reduce the scale of Daggerfall to something similar to Assassins Creed and you could have increased graphical detail as well as not having to using procedurally generated dungeons.
So, yes, if you reduce the graphical detail enough most games today would run even on a potato (slight exaggeration

). Reduce the graphics enough in Crysis (2007) and it would have even run on consoles of the time (PS3/X360).
Hell, it took VR happening to finally see more games doing things that System Shock was doing back in 1994. Controls (like shooting a gun) being decoupled from the players view. Other games have experimented with that over the years as well, but traditional control methods made it complex. So what VR does is make it more convenient, but the gameplay was certainly possible even without VR.
Just because console gamers are used to console games being limited by the hardware, it doesn't mean that games and related gameplay are intrinsically limited by the hardware.
I struggle to think of any modern day game that couldn't have been done in the 2000's or even 1990's with reduced graphics. Spiderman, could have been done. HZD could have been done. God of War (2018) could have been done. Yadda yadda yadda. Graphics obviously would be much more dated and in some cases likely below the norm for games of that period.
The new consoles will enable new levels of graphics and convenience (less loading, for example), but I can't imagine any new gameplay elements coming into play that don't already exist.