Next-gen Cross-Platform Strategy [2020]

True, but GRAW wasn't a launch title. It came out 4 or 5 months later. Honestly, I don't think games looked really "next gen" until Gears came out in November 2006, but GRAW was certainly a looker. Not sure how it compared to the OG Xbox version but IIRC they were actually different games. The point I was making is that launch games that are graphically revolutionary, stuff like Mario 64 or Panzer Dragoon, that's not going to happen anymore. And if you are limited by display technology, it's going to be ever harder to wow people.
I never liked GRAW. Gears and Bioshock is when I started thinking this is next gen on XBOX
True, but GRAW wasn't a launch title. It came out 4 or 5 months later. Honestly, I don't think games looked really "next gen" until Gears came out in November 2006, but GRAW was certainly a looker. Not sure how it compared to the OG Xbox version but IIRC they were actually different games. The point I was making is that launch games that are graphically revolutionary, stuff like Mario 64 or Panzer Dragoon, that's not going to happen anymore. And if you are limited by display technology, it's going to be ever harder to wow people.

I was responding to psman post that said there wasn't any big tech improvement in launch games previously when there have been. Going to ps2 from ps1 was massive.
There seems to be a comparison of launch titles and saying ones that came a few months later aren't really launch games. That's fair enough.

But MS is talking years (closer to 2 than 1 is very possible) not weeks or months.
Could the problem be that the new studio purchases were too late to release as launch exclusives? So they decided to purchase third party timed-exclusives instead? I know a lot of you loathe that practice, but I have a feeling it's not dead just yet.

Tommy McClain
Still doesn't change the fact that it looked miles ahead of anything on the previous gen

It was 3-4 months after release, personally I would call that a launch window title - I mean, any game can be delayed, look at TLoU2 delayed from Feb to June just a few months ago.

I also thought Kameo was a real looker.
personally I wasnt impressed at all :p

No launch games do, Knack and Shadowfall last gen... Meh. Order1886 was a tech demo. Rarely a console launch lineup is worth it. Games tend to come over the lifespan of a console. See the PS4, games started really coming 2015/16 and onwards, till the end (2020).
I liked Shadow Fall :p

Not a great game but ok and Infamous was not bad. I just played the Knack demo, it was enough for me. At least a Ratchet and Clank at launch will be better than Knack. The best launch game was Resogun.

Drive club had a horrible launch but it was a good game when all was working well and after the weather patch.

2015 only Bloodborne as a good game and 2016 UC4. The first three years of the PS5 were not very good.
At least a Ratchet and Clank at launch

Starting the launch with a remaster... perhaps but i dont know really. Sony could do just one big hit AAA game to show of the graphics and such. Or do you mean a whole new ratched and clank?

The first three years of the PS5 were not very good.

That is usually the case, i bought the PS4 abit after launch, knowing that in its 7 years life-span there would be something i'd like, HZD was worth it, and the wipeout remaster too, yes even it was a remaster i think wipeout are one of the classic games. It's not that many games perhaps in total, but about 5 to 6 exclusives that were worth it to me. The PS4 also dubs as a blu ray player.

You can't be serious on that one? If you mean the first TS for PS2, the graphics wasn't what it had going for it. SSX was probably the best looking game @launch, together with Tekken Tag Tournament and the bouncer perhaps. Those are all a far-cry from what was going to come to the PS2 though.

Edit: TS had 4 player splitscreen mode though, wasn't all that common back then. I remember i had to buy the multitap for gaming with friends.
You can't be serious on that one? If you mean the first TS for PS2, the graphics wasn't what it had going for it. SSX was probably the best looking game @launch, together with Tekken Tag Tournament and the bouncer perhaps. Those are all a far-cry from what was going to come to the PS2 though.

Edit: TS had 4 player splitscreen mode though, wasn't all that common back then. I remember i had to buy the multitap for gaming with friends.
The PS2 became the ultimate gaming console very fast. A great number of super impressive games and a lot running at 60fps too.
In one year you could get your hands on MGS2, Gran Turismo, GTA, Silent Hill 2, Tekken Tag Tournament, Onimusha, WRC, Dark Cloud, ICO, Devil May Cry, FFX, Ace Combat 4, SSX etc. All of which were exclusives for a significant time or forever
It was gaming heaven
Starting the launch with a remaster... perhaps but i dont know really. Sony could do just one big hit AAA game to show of the graphics and such. Or do you mean a whole new ratched and clank?

That is usually the case, i bought the PS4 abit after launch, knowing that in its 7 years life-span there would be something i'd like, HZD was worth it, and the wipeout remaster too, yes even it was a remaster i think wipeout are one of the classic games. It's not that many games perhaps in total, but about 5 to 6 exclusives that were worth it to me. The PS4 also dubs as a blu ray player.

Remake probably, but it will be better than Knack.

Same probably having a remake of Demon's soul's probably the less played soul's will be great.

And there will be other games, the Housemarque game and in 2021 HZD 2.
There seems to be a comparison of launch titles and saying ones that came a few months later aren't really launch games. That's fair enough.

But MS is talking years (closer to 2 than 1 is very possible) not weeks or months.

And let’s not confuse things. One thing is that we have to wait years to see a game using the hardware to the full. Other is to see a game using the hardware.

The extra CPU and SSD reading speed will be there day one. And it doesn’t take any magic for them to show their power.
New and improved physics models, new AI models, can be used just because up to 4 or more times the Jaguar compute power is availabe. Without having to explore the hardware a lot of doors will be available day one. Better world interaction, better animations, better everything can just be used because the compute power is there.
Associate this with the ssd speed that will also just be available day one, and you can create more complex worlds, or even travel in a faster way within them.
Remember the spider man speed demo Sony showed? How about a The Flash game in a city like that? It would never be possible on older hardware, but it will now be possible day one.

Creating compatibility with older consoles will deny access to all this. The CPU will only be used for extra fps, eventually a couple more NPCs, and that’s about it. There is just so much you can improve without changing the game mechanics core that allows you to say that you are playing the exact same game on all consoles.

The SSD will only allow faster level charges, bigger depth of view, and less clipping, but that is also about it.

If this console lasts 7 years, 2 years without using it’s hardware features in the way possible, is a lot. And if we believe a mid gen console is released, then the XsX is not worth the buy yet, specially for those who have an X or a PC.
For those with 1080p TVs, keeping the S for a couple years more may also be an option. The first party games will be there, and the thirds will probably not drop support either due to the larger user base.
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