That mockup aesthetics (design) looks far removed from the original XB1 boxy design. Usually the first two redesigns (slim models) tend to have some familiar similarities with the original models. This mockup looks like a whole other concept...
Like other forumers suspect, the image is probably fake. Do you remember the first Slim redesign of the X360 for instance? I think it wasn't in any way similar to the original Xbox 360. The PS3 had a few similarities, for instance, but a friend of mine has the original PS3 and nothing could replicate that super large, monstrous console.
How so? Do you mean the stream part? I don't get it. You might have a point there though, because I think MS are using the Xbox brand to build their own Steam, now that they are going to be slightly more PC friendly, it seems.
Wouldnt that be like cannibalizing XB1 software sales which will carry the higher profit margins?
It depends on your personal needs. But if you have a good enough PC I wonder why you will be using the Xbox One to stream a game from the PC?
From personal experience, PC to Xbox One streaming is a feature I'd love to have because my main PC is a rather average laptop with a i5-2450m CPU and the Intel HD3000 GPU where I usually play games that can be played at your own pace like adventure games or games like Heroes of Might and Magic or RTSs, and Baldurs Gate, Temple of Elemental Evil, Nox, Icewind Dale 1 and 2, etc etc.
I've also calibrated my TV using the Xbox One as a reference and I rather prefer to play my laptop games on my 32" full HD TV than on the native 15" laptop display.