Nokia is going to make a red Xbox One? What about that Yellow? I like bleeding edge tech, so some days I am bummed about the next-gen consoles, and sometimes I an enthralled. Today I am bummed again, because the article robbed me. LOL
:smile2: That was a bummer for me too. I gotta admit I read the news using a RSS feed, there are so many of them and the headlines are my thing rather than reading them all when I share those articles. I read them fully later.
Gotta admit I skimmed through the article -I usually read very fast, years of Internet..., and the stress and frenzy of the digital life, emails, whatsapp, social sites, etc etc etc etc, makes you used to that- and I didn't read anything in quotations when I skimmed through the news, which made me smell a rat, but the main mistake is that the headline says "Nadella, don't underestimate Nokia and Xbox One".
I thought the headline was; Nadella, "don't underestimate Nokia and Xbox One", because a headline like "Nadella, (....)" implies you are addressing him more like a pal than a CEO of a company.
Still, not to break the tradition, I shall try harder to read the headlines that get my attention and the associated articles in more detail. Promise.
DSoup, I hope they fix that bug asap, it didn't happen to me but for a x86 machine games are more buggy -NBA 2k14 is an example- than expected, so it can be the OS at times.
Xbox 360 despite is PowerPC architecture has been more stable for me, save the odd game.
Scott_Arm, I think it's out of the question the Xbox One is limited compared to the PS4 or a good PC, but its architecture might need some more time to be learnt, as stated by
sebbbi :smile2: here, which gives some hope that it will have some outstanding games.