Figured some things out, was finely able to rearrange my downloading items order. Now I just need to remember what I pressed to do that. Setting up TV it found my 360 as a media center device and turned it on, I do not yet have hdmi plugged in, so I will play with that later.
Had our twins, so I was feeding them and trying not to fall to sleep while playing around with the X1 so have not done much yet.
I did not calibrate Kinect yet, mainly because it wanted my audio turned up and that was not going to happen. However, it did not miss any voice commands that I actually knew and I was able to get music playing easily, so I will admit that is really cool. I was surprise it worked sitting directly in front of the center channel speaker. I did not figure out snap yet.
My 1080p projector must be crap, at nearly 13' in screen size the games looked really good, 720p (KI).
I really miss the mini-guide, as that always made it easier to get around to commonly used items.
Kinect IR is annoying, three visible red dots plus the dimmer white xbox logo next to it. Was not thrilled with the glowing logo on the controller either, think I might mod that to be a bit darker or another color.
My biggest complaint is the horribly short Kinect cable, to make this thing work I have a 50' HDMI cable, a huge optical cable, with the X1 sitting in the middle of the floor. ROFL
First impressions are positive for me, hopefully after some sleep I can play some games. I see some future potential with this box.
Gamertag = Talryyn
Goodnight all.

Edit: Love my new NL 1520 phone, great for smartglass and not all that bad to hold.