I wouldn't call it amusing though, it is kind of sad. Why cant people just be happy with what they have instead of being obsessed with trying to put down on other people choices? That is just pesky.
It is happening everywhere it seems. Some people are creating fake threads on forums saying they have a Xbox One and that it didn't work for them.

Yeah, whatever.
Very first impressions:
- It's my birthdays' gift. I am the happiest man on earth.
- Super high quality materials.
- High quality unboxing, a la Apple.
- Loved the screen with which you are presented the very first time you turn on the console. Great, great stuff.
- The interface is clearly Full HD from the get go, no upscaled text.
- High quality cables for everything.
- The power cable is a tad short for me but nothing major.
- It blends in with your TV and your whole living room just perfectly.
- This is clearly meant to be a console and a TV box, by factory design. Say it is like a Trojan horse.
- The Xbox logo to power it on is elegant, so it is the whole console.
- FIFA 14 for free!!!!!!! Yay
- 4 disc games: Ryse, Forza 5, Assassin's Creed IV, Need for Speed Rivals. I am just missing CoD Ghosts from my list of pre-orders.
- Free Xbox Live Gold codes in almost every disc based game (except NFS Rivals). I have Xbox Live Gold til 2016 and I am going to add a month or so after this.7
- The gamepad feels different than Xbox 360's. I can't tell which one I prefer for now, it's hard to tell.
- Gotta try testing the rest of the hardware (especially the Blu-ray drive, because everything else is working very smoothly and I just have to insert a disc)
- A very quiet machine.
The day one update has downloaded already.
See you later -quite late perhaps- with more quick impressions. :smile2: