again, i dont really follow these sagas, but ms line was they never said anything about what their self publish policy on xbo would be until they said they would allow it.
that's not a 180, it's policy where it was up in the air going into next gen.
I'll give you that one...
i didn't know supposedly ms told ign no headset. so there's that. call me crazy but i'm still like 1% skeptical of ign there, but i'm probably crazy.
Trust me. I do follow these kind of things & it wasn't just them...
UPDATE: Microsoft sent along this statement in response to a request from Ars Technica.
Xbox One does not include a pack-in headset accessory. Each Xbox One includes the new Kinect sensor, with a highly sensitive multi-array microphones designed to enable voice inputs and chat as a system-level capability, both in-game and with Skype and other experiences. For gamers who prefer a headset, we have a variety of offerings that you can find on the Xbox Wire.
Tommy McClain