I look at Kinect has a bonus, for me it is for voice commands, but I get this really cool motion controller for the kids and they love it. So I guess that is my justification, the kids! lol
I was leaning to jump ship this gen from the 360 and get a PS4, more power less money and stuff. However, having a one year old at home and most likely two years before I get the next gen console, does put things in perspective.
I think in this case kinect should offer at least the possibility of gaming even for him making it more accessible, much more so then a controller. The thing I'm waiting to see is what kind of kinect/children games there will be, something waving hands jumping around should do. And as we have a Sony xperia tablet that we use daily with him maybe we "need" and XB1 to not make him into a brand fanboy already