If true that explains the low specs . They're betting the bank on Kinect .. we'll see if that was a sound investment.
you have to remember this poster is a software related. He couldn't not answer most of the hw related questions such as these:
[–]BarzulBurningJC007 19 points 19 hours ago
Some people need to keep in mind that OP is an OS developer, can't expect him/her to know the everything on the Xbox hardware and any changes that may or may not have been made.
[–]UnbiasedAsFuck 18 points 19 hours ago*
How does DirectX 11.2 compare to OpenGL, and what advantages does it give you that OpenGL doesn't do just as well/at all?
The Xbox One architecture - how does it compare to earlier machines? Will it be easy to code and optimize for?
Would we also see the best graphics on Xbox this generation as well? (Multiplatform)
[–]XboxOneDevConfirmed XB1 Dev
I code apps for the Xbox One like I code for win8 apps.
Is there anything you would change about the hardware if you could?
[–]XboxOneDevConfirmed XB1 Dev
The specs of the hardware were determine by people a lot more knowledgeable than I am. I'm not one to question this. I'm sure they were tested and re-tested to find a balance in price vs performance based on our manufacturing capabilities.