Simple question: why on earth would anyone care if multiple people are playing a 45 minute demo at the same time? I'm not trying to insult anyone, but that just sounds stupid.
Simple question: why on earth would anyone care if multiple people are playing a 45 minute demo at the same time? I'm not trying to insult anyone, but that just sounds stupid.
Well, if the final experience wasn't what people understood it to be, that'd change the outrage they should now be feeling.Really a moot point at this point since the feature has been removed.
Really a moot point at this point since the feature has been removed.
Well, if the final experience wasn't what people understood it to be, that'd change the outrage they should now be feeling.
Sharing = full games to ten people : XB1 buyers wanting to share could be furious at the removal.
Sharing = one hour demo for ten people : XB1 buyers can appreciate it's not such a loss, and be angry at MS for suggesting the sharing feature was something worthwhile.
Well, if the final experience wasn't what people understood it to be, that'd change the outrage they should now be feeling.
Sharing = full games to ten people : XB1 buyers wanting to share could be furious at the removal.
Sharing = one hour demo for ten people : XB1 buyers can appreciate it's not such a loss, and be angry at MS for suggesting the sharing feature was something worthwhile.
Simple question: why on earth would anyone care if multiple people are playing a 45 minute demo at the same time? I'm not trying to insult anyone, but that just sounds stupid.
It ISN'T a demo that's why. Whatever they say now is irrelevant. What MS said before did not negate the possibility of something like a nag screen that could say pop up every hour to ask if you wanted to pay for the game and then play through it. It isn't a time limit if you functionally can keep playing. This is what the verge source said.
I'll go one further and say even if they claim it's exactly the same game and unencumbered, which they never did since nobody asked them, you could still drop in the nag from the 3rd display plane.
bottom line: just be angry at MS
MS PR Flack: In order to restore some the pioneering work done by Microsoft in trying to bring a bold Next Generation family shared plan to our customers we have worked with publishers to create a New family plan. The New Shared Game concept we are working with will allow gamers to play a shared game with only a small ad that shows up every hour ...
The thing is if a game being shared had a nag screen ....that's no problem really .
The fascinating thing may have been direct selling .....let's say you played a friends copy if a game a couple of thing got to or three levels into the game and then moved on to some other game .
I wonder would if have been possible for a developer to directly message if the game after let's say 6 months got a price drop .
I.E a message on your home pages saying something like this kill all aliens is now half price with all DLC included buy it now and carry on where you left off by pressing the link below .
A interesting opotunity for a developer to gain extra sales long after a game been forgotten about .
The first fitness game that uses all of kinects new futures in my opinion sadly has the chance to be a bigger system seller than any hardcore game if wii fit is any indication of the size of market for that sort of thing
I can hear to now kinect screaming back work it work it you slacking do you want to drop that dress size or what
The DLC for the fitness game could be celebrity personalities. It could be legendary!
Well with the kinect they could possibly "rotoscope" a celebrity on top of you.
With the wonders of the Kinect 2 YOU could be your favorite celebrity, fighting crime, solving puzzles. You and your favorite personality can be TOGETHER and the SAME with the Xbox ONE !!
they don't call it rotoscoping anymore and it isn't a travelling matte... I guess it just mo-capping something on you.
That's a very creative idea.
Mo-Cap as a neologism. I think I am using the word correctly.
I'm sure someone at MS has thought of it 3 ways till Sunday. Good use of the cloud for rendering the celebrity "compositing" them into the game ;-) Who says there is no good rendery use for the CLOUD !!
I wasn't correcting you... in your edit notes it says neogism... Which I never heard of. If they put as much thought into the true gaming capabilities of Kinect 2 as they put into its engineering it could really be a homerun. But they have to come out of the gate swinging... No one will give them the slack of more than six months to show its gaming value. I know I won't.
Boxing would be an awesome showcase of this... DVR Ing and sharing a boxer with your face... Getting his ass beat over twitch would be epic!!!!
Simple question: why on earth would anyone care if multiple people are playing a 45 minute demo at the same time? I'm not trying to insult anyone, but that just sounds stupid.