That is reasonable, no doubt they will charge a fee though.
That is reasonable, no doubt they will charge a fee though.
That confirmed yet? I heard, Always Connected a few times in the event.
Anyways, I hope the noise quotient drops after all this. No more Milky Way SoCoC 4.9TF bs.
OTOH, the most powerful machine has never won!
Specs is really somehow a dick-measuring contest.
PS4 seems to be more specialized for gaming whereas Xbox One is more general. One of these has a brighter future than the other...
There are still too many unknowns. MS seems to have lots of games coming and we still dont know the impact or the assistance of the whole cloud computing thing.
Don Mattrick said you can play select games offline on GTTV.
Considering the recent Windows8 debacle...the downward trajectory for consummer products is going to continue at Microsoft with Xbox One.
I have lost enthusiasm thats for sure.
Interesting. That's not how Wired described it. Wired suggests you both get to keep the game, but the second person has to pay a fee.
Interesting. That's not how Wired described it. Wired suggests you both get to keep the game, but the second person has to pay a fee.
The system will work in offline mode once you've installed the game. In other words, you have to be online to do the install, but once you're installed you're good to go. Like Steam. I'm pretty sure that was from Wired. I'll have to look it up again to link.
Edit: That's assuming the game is not designed around cloud features or online play.
Microsoft has suggested that rumours regarding online authentication are correct. An Xbox spokesperson said on Tuesday: "Xbox One does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet".
Translation - You can play your offline game even if your internet breaks down, but you cant install and play new game if you dont have internet connection for authentication check? So, gamers without internet connection who like to play their madden/fifa in peace cant use XBone?
Idk, without always online, I think Xbox One is going to be an awesome product.
If you're in love with paper specs, there is always the ps4.
Interesting. That's not how Wired described it. Wired suggests you both get to keep the game, but the second person has to pay a fee.
Forza already looks like it has toon shading compared to what Sony showed with Drive Club.
We have no memory spec changes confirmed, the change could be completely from GPU upclock, or some internal PR accounting. Most of what you said was bull hockey.I want here the guys that said that cloud computing mixed to console hardware is impossible, that xboxlive switching to cloud computing it's impossible, that to have (more than) 200 GB/s of internal memory is impossible. I want they excuse, now and in public. you "impossible" guys are wrong, and I was right, I have my xbox live cloud, the cloud computing (and not the poor gaikai system), here we have different memory specs, now where are you?
Interesting. That's not how Wired described it. Wired suggests you both get to keep the game, but the second person has to pay a fee.
"if it is true im getting a ps4 and all my m8s"
We have no memory spec changes confirmed, the change could be completely from GPU upclock, or some internal PR accounting. Most of what you said was bull hockey.