NEW Lair Screens Plus Interview!

Yep, I say give it some time.

It always goes:

Optimistic Tech demo -> Realities of game design kick in -> polished and optimised to look fancy again.
This percantage statements are PR crap, why do you still quote them?


Because it's the only metric we have...can you provide anything better?

I made the statement only to highlight that the game is still very early on in development and frankly that's all the percentage should me to anyone...especially B3D posters, so I didn't feel any great need to paint the picture behind the words here.
Well i've seen the video now and it might be a crappy quality video, but i am still very much not impressed. Say what u you want but this game went from looking super-slick-cool to a very simplistic one. Shame.

To be honest, the super-slick trailer was -let's say- rather optimistic. The thing that bugged me the most were the textures, they need definitely more work.

Because it's the only metric we have...can you provide anything better?

I made the statement only to highlight that the game is still very early on in development and frankly that's all the percentage should me to anyone...especially B3D posters, so I didn't feel any great need to paint the picture behind the words here.

Well, Itagaki said at E3 2k5 that DoA4 was 15% done and after all the game looked almost exactly like E3 2k5 trailer. Not to mention we don't know how they count their percents. It usually goes like that:
developer x said:
The game wasn't that impressive? Let me tell you it's only 50% done!
After the game was in development for two years and 6 months before its release.
That's why I don't believe these numbers.
Don't get me wrong...I understand these "percentages" are superfluous at best but still there's nothing else to go by. Unless I feel the numbers are outright misleading I'm apt to accept them as a off the cuff assements and nothing more. I didn't follow DOA4 because I don't like the series but we could look at how PDZ evolved and observe a great improvement over what they first showed on MTV (and claimed the game was only some low percentage complete). There is also how Motostorm has been evolving, and Gears of War.

I know not what happened with DOA4 and believe me I'll take your word for what happened but I only want to say that it goes both ways and in my experience low percentages mean you can expect real improvement where high percentages mean what you see is what you get for the most part.

When it comes to Lair I am well...quite apt to believe Factor 5 won't deliver a game that looks anything near "rough." Time will tell of course, but given their own "guess" as to where they are I don't think I'm taking a dangerous position.
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To be honest, the super-slick trailer was -let's say- rather optimistic. The thing that bugged me the most were the textures, they need definitely more work.

Well, probably. How well did you read the interview exactly? They intend to include the tech-demo into the final game as an extra. They freely admit that the high-level dragon is the highest quality version of the Dragon, and that depending on how many other things there are on screen, the individual items will be downscaled.

Also, the guy playing the game didn't know what he was doing. There was a guy next to him who had actually landed and was attacking ground troops, and in the interview it says that if you've hit one particular dragon often enough, you get to engage in one of those God of War 2 like one-on-one fights in the air. Most likely this would be where the dragons are at their most detailed.

For the rest, I'm starting to feel a lot of this is depending on taste, but also on not getting 1080p shots. We need them.
Just watched the clip and it looked pretty good to me. The ocean looked fantastic and the overall detail was satisfactory, it certainly looked much more fun to me than any Warhawk video I have seen. Better quality video would be appreciated, but this was enough to make my expectations rise.
I just watched the video again and it still looks pretty awesome. I don't know what I'm missing here. The lighting needs alot of adjustment and the stone texture that makes up the walking surface of the bridge is very flat. Other than that, I don't know exactly what this game is being compared to. There's only a handful of games that I would say look hands-down better.

Perhaps opinions are being swayed by the gameplay, which appears to be garbage. Trash. Refuse. Junk. Throw-away. Rubbish.
It looks pretty rough and kind of non-fluid. I think that`s still pretty early build, f.e the smoke is likely to be a placeholder( just an animated texture).
The water though is already better than Warhawk`s.
scifibe - I'm well aware of the fact that games actually become polished and playable products in the last months of development. Sometimes a demo shown half a year before the game is released is complete trash, but the final product is really beautiful and fun (Halo for example). I don't say Lair won;t be prettier when it's released. It might be prettier, it might not. We'll see. But what we're judging now is a TGS demo and reminding us that it's only 35% ready all the time when we even don't what it means is quite funny. Some developers managed to deliver beautiful demos and they are scheduled for the same time as Lair (Spring 07 AFAIK) and that's why I think this 35% is a cheap excuse.
scifibe - I'm well aware of the fact that games actually become polished and playable products in the last months of development. Sometimes a demo shown half a year before the game is released is complete trash, but the final product is really beautiful and fun (Halo for example). I don't say Lair won;t be prettier when it's released. It might be prettier, it might not. We'll see. But what we're judging now is a TGS demo and reminding us that it's only 35% ready all the time when we even don't what it means is quite funny. Some developers managed to deliver beautiful demos and they are scheduled for the same time as Lair (Spring 07 AFAIK) and that's why I think this 35% is a cheap excuse.

I'm sorry but I don't think I've been reminding anyone about anything all the time.

Take it for what you will, but I only offered my perspective on how Lair is turning out at this very moment.

Halo is indeed a good example of all I wanted to say. In fact, it's would be scary if Halo3 improved by the same factor from it's inception to it's completion...scary is wrong...mind boggling is a better way to put it given Halo3 looks pretty good to me as it is now.

Anyhow, I would like to get into your last comment. It is true the other demos are more complete going by appearances than Lair. However, we know not when work began on all those respective games and how the development process has been handled up this point. For instance, Factor 5 is writing all the technology from scratch where as other developers may have chosen not to do this is order to speed up the development process. Others may be doing the same but they aren't exploring new approaches but rather transcribing old ideas for application with the PS3. What problems game A demand be solved could be vastly more different than those game B does and the level of difficulty in solving them can vary quite wildly.

I feel my point has been made.

Now, if you feel that Factor 5 or even I am just providing excuses for a bad showing that is of course your perogative and I'm quite fine with that. If you don't that's fine too. I didn't mean to get into an involved discussion with my...I think first two(?) comments, but rather just succintly make a point and express how I myself am still happy with what I see given my view of the situation. Yes, I put out my view for a reason but this doesn't mean I couldn't stomach differing opions and wanted to overtly change people's minds.

So...if I have come off as trying to remind people of some truth only I hold...I apologize as that was not my intention. Most of what I've said has been in reponse solely to you as we were having a conversation...that I seemingly mishandled.

Trust me, it's all good whatever you think to me. Seriously, it's all good.


Here's a vid what looks like an entire demo play through. Low quality but the most revealing vid I seen yet as to how gameplay goes for sure.
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The tech demo's were all in 720p. The move to 1080p really doesn't seem to have paid off in this case. Maybe Factor5 got put on an ego trip with Sony's 1080p chest beating?

F5 should go back to 720p IMO. Sony's got the point across about 1080p, Microsoft's conceded to it with the update and the devs should all be left to get on with making the best games possible. Let the PR men have their genital measuring contests by themselves. 1080p should never be chosen if it causes a great looking game to become merely an underwhelming affair.
The problems with Lair's graphics aren't technical at all, but artistic. Going back to 720p won't fix them, they need to do some serious polishing and parameter tweaking. The lighting is so wrong you can't even tell where the light's coming from and where shadows are...
Gametrailers has a nice gameplay vid. Not as detailed/high res as playsyde's cam but I think one of the devs is demonstrating it so you get a better idea of how the game flows. Im loving the dragon's animation, its so fluid!

Great, this movie is much better quality, even if it is smaller - the camera recording it has been set to proper focus beforehand and is fixed. You can see the difference just by comparing the tiny little footsoldiers in the two videos. You can also see that there's much more to the textures in the bridge thanks to the better quality. Still waiting for a proper 1080p screenshot, but this game has got to be pretty imposing in real life.

It also has some examples of how you can use the motion sensor to ram other dragons you are fleeing next to. I'll reserve judgement on the gameplay until I've tried it myself, but it's looking mightily impressive.
The terrible movie at xboxyde makes the game look like ass, but why would an xbox site want to make a PS3 game look good?
This movie that One posted allows us to see that the graphics are amongst the best on any game so far IMO. The gameplay looks interesting too when they start dropping those large beasts from the air.
They should try to make the gameplay a bit deeper, anything is better than a Crimson Skies type game with dragons.
The terrible movie at xboxyde makes the game look like ass, but why would an xbox site want to make a PS3 game look good?

Why would Xboxyde try to make Lair look bad? Xboxyde is just a media site, and in case you did not notice they also have a site dedicated to the Playstation brand.

I watched both the Playsde and GameTrailers videos and I have to say I am not too impressed. The environment is bland and lacks any variety, particularly the bridge which seems to consist of the same texture repeating over and over again. The animation is lame, especially while fighting on the ground attempting to swat and eat the little men. The dragons look excellent, but the fire they breathe looks god awful. What exactly are you trying to accomplish in this demo? From what was being demonstrated the dragon to dragon combat seemed to consist of firing a bunch of fireballs at your enemy from a distance then getting up close and playing through a sort of mini-game to defeate the other dragon rider. I like the overall idea of this game, but right now the game seems to rough to tell if Factor 5 can make a decent game out of it.