NEW Lair Screens Plus Interview!

After watching the 1up show, I just have one comment on LAIR, the gameplay looks absolutely horrible.

Granted they say they are only 30%, but I highly doubt this game is coming out in spring 07 like they say.
After watching the 1up show, I just have one comment on LAIR, the gameplay looks absolutely horrible.

Granted they say they are only 30%, but I highly doubt this game is coming out in spring 07 like they say.

Gameplay? Looked more like a tech demo. :)

What are you supposed to accomplish? What's the goal?

The clipping is really poor(collision detect), I watched many a wing traverse thru rock.
Are you ever going to actually contribute to any thread?

Read the Terms and Conditions. Posts like the above dont' belong here. You either say something fruitful or don't post at all.
That's besides the point.

You cannot post a smiley. It's not a post.

If you don't agree with what other people think, say your opinion and leave it at that, don't post *rolleyes*

By the way, yes, the game looks VERY bad compared to the stuff they were showing not too long ago.
Well from the 1UP video, the colours are all screwed up so it's quite hard to tell. Because they were filming the HDTV itself, the colours are all fluorescent and makes the whole thing looks quite bad anyway...

But to be honest even without the screwed up colours, the game is definitely not "better than most". IMO i guess.
Well from the 1UP video, the colours are all screwed up so it's quite hard to tell. Because they were filming the HDTV itself, the colours are all fluorescent and makes the whole thing looks quite bad anyway...

But to be honest even without the screwed up colours, the game is definitely not "better than most". IMO i guess.
There are better videos like the second one at Playside or the one at gametrailers. Although the game has a very aggressive LOD system everything is pretty detailed, a couple of dragons look like crap indeed heh but most of everything is pretty detailed like the soldiers and the environment, lighting is pretty good too. Perhaps it's just that you don't like the art direction, seems to be hit or miss with most people.
There are better videos like the second one at Playside or the one at gametrailers. Although the game has a very aggressive LOD system everything is pretty detailed, a couple of dragons look like crap indeed heh but most of everything is pretty detailed like the soldiers and the environment, lighting is pretty good too. Perhaps it's just that you don't like the art direction, seems to be hit or miss with most people.
I ve downloaded a video from gametrailers showing gameplay footage and I think its direct feed. I am with london boy in this one. It looks very bad.

The lighting/shine reflected on objects seems unnatural, the fire effects are dead ugly (where have those realistic fire effects gone from the E3 trailer?), the animation is choppy and unrealistic and the textures seem to need some work.

Overally this game needs lots of polish

Certaintly cant put it in the same group as the other impressive titles.
I wouldnt say its gameplay is horrible, granted its got a LONG way to go, but right now I can see their basic layout of what they are trying to accomplish. The tech thats gone into the game is actually kinda of impressive (atleast to myself) and it will be interesting to see how the game looks in a little less than a years time. Nice to understand each individual technical thing thats gone into the demo to get a better understanding of what they have done. The game certainly needs alot of polish, but it definately has the dev time left for all of that. It's not like the game is coing out in 2 months. I'd say its more impressive than some games coming out much sooner, but I wont name any names. :LOL:
I ve downloaded a video from gametrailers showing gameplay footage and I think its direct feed. I am with london boy in this one. It looks very bad.

The lighting/shine reflected on objects seems unnatural, the fire effects are dead ugly (where have those realistic fire effects gone from the E3 trailer?), the animation is choppy and unrealistic and the textures seem to need some work.

Overally this game needs lots of polish

Certaintly cant put it in the same group as the other impressive titles.
The E3 trailer was CG... There's no direct feed of gameplay videos yet. The animation has certain issues but it's pretty smooth most of the time. Concerning the reflections, that seems to be an stylistic choice. Other than a couple of dragons (those with pointy heads) I don't see what's so wrong with the textures, everything is very detailed like the soldiers, even the ground seems to be parallax mapped:

The fire effects are certainly not very pretty but they're supposed to be a real time simulation instead of sprites, I think that has some merit.
"The lighting/shine reflected on objects seems unnatural, the fire effects are dead ugly (where have those realistic fire effects gone from the E3 trailer?), the animation is choppy and unrealistic and the textures seem to need some work."

i agree the HDRI is too agressive and needs more fine tuning, but it's still technically right up there in regard to lighting. the way light and fire makes the wings tranluscent is the best effect i've seen, no other game has that effect thus far. the animation is awsome to me, the dragon is portrayed very realistically both flying and running. only melee with another dragon needs abit more work. yes, the fire needs more work to achieve trailer quality but the way it torched down the bridge is nothing short or amazing. much less being ugly. i wont comment on textures till we c 1080p shots. yes, the game needs more polish but for wats shown thusfar it's easily one of the most impressive title.
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I was sceptical of this game in terms of gameplay, but I'm getting more confident about it.

Anyway, I thought that the latest 1up show had a pretty good interview - the guys asked some quite intelligent questions, also regarding technical merit, and the demonstrations he gave showed off the game much better (like flying under the bridge's pillars etc.)

Very interesting I thought was that he mentioned that if you waited ten minutes, you'd see the sun come up and notice that everything was already being globally illuminated. That is very impressive.

He also mentioned again that while he's not nearly sure that Factor 5 were a major influence in this matter, they already asked Nintendo for tilt/motion sensing when they were still programming for the GameCube, and asked again when they attended a special controller meeting with Sony. Here they specifically also asked for the accellerometers. When they were developing, they always had motion sensing in mind, but did work with a backup solution for a while, when things weren't quite certain yet.

One of the best questions asked I think were the ones on why Lair is doing so well with 1080p where other games don't manage yet, and in which way their game made use of the specific PS3 features and strengths.

For 1080p, he said, the main problem is fillrate - the RSX is plenty capable of handling everything else at this resolution. Their solution to the fillrate problem is implementing clever mathematics that determine what does and doesn't need to be drawn. They are doing quite well in that respect, and he predicts that you'll see most PS3 games go 1080p.

For the other, he indicated the global illumination, the AI for 3000 soldiers on the bridge, the water, the progressive LOD among others as examples of where Cell is helping them out to achieve more.

He also feels that where the first version of Rogue Squadron for GameCube managed to hit about 80% of the performance capacity of the GC, and the subsequent version pretty much maxed it out, Lair at its time of release will probably use about 50% of PS3's power, and the rest of the 50% will probably be gradually unlocked over the next 5-7 years. He praises Sony's devices of being able to store a lot of 'hidden power' in their consoles that developers can tap into for a long time which adds to the console's excellent lifespan.

Note that this is the other side of where he says that the PS3 isn't an easy device to work with, especially if you want to max it out, but that the challenges and potential this offers a developer is what makes Factor 5 really enjoy developing for it.

It has pros and cons there. ;)

Anyway, it was a good interview, and the 1up episode was very good all-round. I did find it quite amusing though that while they end with praising Microsoft for being 'reliable' and showing existing 360 owners to have a decent amount of stuff to look forward to, the episode ends up showing off the PS3 a lot more than the 360. But that could be my own bias - maybe I just personally saw more stuff there that I enjoyed.
For 1080p, he said, the main problem is fillrate - the RSX is plenty capable of handling everything else at this resolution. Their solution to the fillrate problem is implementing clever mathematics that determine what does and doesn't need to be drawn. They are doing quite well in that respect, and he predicts that you'll see most PS3 games go 1080p.
I remember some impressive software occlusion culling method by some finnish guy abhout 4 years ago. btw if anyone remembers please let me know itll be worthwhile looking into.
now with the immense power of cell, great software occlusion culling becomes feasable ergo all games can run at 1080p with no sacrifices
Direct screen grabs from one of the HD videos:




