The old fact that MSAA doesn't do alpha textures is why the fence looks all jaggy to you. This is why i find MSAA isn't very good for games with lots of vegitation in the environment, because vegetitation often uses a lot of alpha'd textures and you still get aliasing in a lot of the environment because of it and MSAA just kills you fps and doesn't remove a lot of the aliasing in the scene.
BTW i'm not very impressed with this new AA technique, one thing i love about pc's is their stable progressive image, this new AA technique almost gives an interlacing like flicker to things which imo makes the image quality worse. Plus the effect gets worse when framerates fall. Maybe for consoles this is acceptable since most games on console have very stable frames ie constant 60fps, but as we know pc games fluctuate quite a lot in framerates so the flicker jumps aroung with the fps. Besides if games can run 1600x1200 with 4x AA i see no reason to go any higher with these hacks, on my 21inch trinitron crt it's extremely clean and these next gen cards seem pretty capable at doing that.
BTW i'm not very impressed with this new AA technique, one thing i love about pc's is their stable progressive image, this new AA technique almost gives an interlacing like flicker to things which imo makes the image quality worse. Plus the effect gets worse when framerates fall. Maybe for consoles this is acceptable since most games on console have very stable frames ie constant 60fps, but as we know pc games fluctuate quite a lot in framerates so the flicker jumps aroung with the fps. Besides if games can run 1600x1200 with 4x AA i see no reason to go any higher with these hacks, on my 21inch trinitron crt it's extremely clean and these next gen cards seem pretty capable at doing that.