@ Dot50Cal: Seeing as you've played the latest version of the game, do you feel (as a gamer) that Evolution Studios has satisfied any desires that their original CG target render (as shown @ E3'05) might have initiated in you? Not only from a graphical POV, but also the rush and excitement generated in the original CG, and that crazy racing atmosphere. I know the final version ain't available yet, but just curious as to how you feel after playing the demo on your own PS3.
But also?
How soon we forget...
As much as I am willing to give the game a lot of credit, even mentioning the CGI in the same breath as the PS3 version (sprite based shrubs for crying out loud!) is just... no. Emphatic no.
The sooner move away from the crazy idea that we can mention the graphics of the game in the same sentance as the CGI, and appreciate the good stuff that is actually there, the better. Does it capture the concept? Yes. Does it capture some of the craziness? Yes. Is it fun? Yes. (I played for a good while last night and on my second race got 2nd, nearly first, with the big truck, woot!) But where all the areas the game shines and stands out, render quality is not one of them. The art and design are very good but I wouldn't even compare it to some other racers in regards to IQ. Ironically the motion blur in other racers peeps tend to gripe about is one of the saving graces in this game in regards to IQ.
Also, on a related note, I think Evolution has done a great job creating a game and not just a tech demo. Without getting into a long debate about it, I am not convinced Motorstorm is "innovative" in regards to technology&gameplay dynamics (more, bigger, better, as one would expect) but they do a great job of pulling together a lot of proven elements and take a style of racing game (point a to point b with aggressive off road racing) and really develop the idea into a great package that executes well and is very enjoyable. Dirt and terrain that has variable traction are not new (obviously done to more percision and enjoyment in Motorstorm), but the sum of the parts in Motorstorm are all designed well and nothing seems too tacked on "just to toss it in". Probably not a popular opinion, but I am more of the camp that many games require more focus on polish and evolutionary changes in design with the prerequisit improvements in quality and that being "innovative" to be different and abondoning the heritage and tried and true formulas gamers like--hence why they have persisted--is a poor way to measure success or innovation. Motorstorm excells and is "innovative" because it has a ton of quality and great design and art that make for a fresh and enjoyable experience. The actual mechanics, surprisingly, is just racing off road in a typical fashion. I won't be surprised to see a couple Eurogamer like reviews that completely miss the point. GT and Forza are other racers that I forsee getting bit by the same bug. Reviewers need to realize that some racers are just that -- racing games -- and the point isn't just to be different or new, but to take a prescribed focus and refine it to a science and toss as much quality at it as possible. Things like "deformable" terrain and cabin views (like PGR3 with inertia and course bumps affecting camera position and movement) are purely evolutionary, but the end result is a very, very satisfying product. And this is where reviewers I think miss the point (they play too many games and the new/unique is often very appealing) and sometimes are critical where the general consumer that may play 10-20 games a generation is completely satisfied.
Of course Motorstorm has a ton of dirt and cars -- a combination any visceral man can love -- but I won't be surprised by the typical criticism on forums and even from a few in the press. Ultimately I think it misses the point. From playing a long while last night (2nd place my second race + exploding across the finish line) and watching for a while as well I am really happy with the results in the game. A lot of little gripes (see my preview) but the experience is top notch. If it was on the PC I would walk out of the store with it even if I had to dump down the graphics. I love the concept and Evolution has executed very well. Motorstorm 2 should be great.
As a pointer: The game is floaty, but if you take the big truck instead of the off road green car you will have a lot more weight. I can see how they have balanced the game now having played a number of vehicles, and while I see the logic and balance it still irritates me. BUT having the option for vehicles that stick more to the road, as the heavy truck does, gave a much better experience and one I desired. It was also fun getting "kills" on the track and really controlling corners. Top speed wasn't all there, but racing is about the corners

If only allows for 16 or so racers and has enough variety in tracks (50+ events, but I wonder how many diverse, unique tracks and settings) this could be one of those games you play a lot online. It has a great balance of accessibility as well as a decent initial learning curve and it is as fun to race as it is to watch. Definately not stale and an exciting ride. It is Off Road from the old days reborn. And that is a compliment seeing as I played a tooon of Off Road! PS3 owners, even non-racing fans, need to give this a try. 10/10 Fun Factor.