Microsoft Xbox Reveal Event - May 21, 2013

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I really wonder how well this stuff works once it's actually in your living room. Surely this stuff is faked as much as all other events of this scale - you can't allow for cockups.

Anyhow, as others have mentioned - not all that exciting for us europeans so far. And I actually quite like my living room the way it is, but I guess I'm a bit old school...
Also, anyone noticed the comment about persistent worlds? Nextgen Blizzard MMO maybe?
Anyway, take the 5billion transistors claim cautiosly.
ya the eSRAM should be 32*1024*1024*8 bit*6T= ~1.6billion transistors

Not sure about Jaguar core and the 12 CU GPU.

that's a big chunk.

leaves 3.4. hd7770 is 1.5b, so 12 cu should be like 1.8.

but maybe the dma engines etc add some trans.

still leaves 1.6, too many for even the beefiest cpu in that scenario.

counting shape block?

dedicating 1.6b trans to the esram...shit, if true, it's got to help performance a ton.
I think it just means something like dedicated servers that are unified across all Xbox One games and dynamically allocated.
You can call Simcity "cloud compute" too. I'm very cautious what they're doing with it until we have hard examples.
Plz EA show gameplay or at least inengine something...
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